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This blog post describes the way to work with processes in SAP Clod ALM. The blog post implies following pre-requisites:

  • SAP Cloud ALM project is created

  • Initial scope of the project as solution scenario "SAP Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud" is defined:


Start of work

Once the initial set-up of Project in SAP Cloud ALM is done and solution scenario(s) is defined, we get possibility to work with processes. The processes in fact are Scope Items to be activated/customized in Central Business Configuration and S/4HANA Cloud.

We have to start working with processes from the project launchpad:

Alternatively we can jump to the processes from the left panel:

After clicking on the left panel icon or number of processes on the launchpad we go to the Processes app and see Solution Process Scope screen:

We need to click there Edit Scope and filter then Scope Items (Processes) by country of the project:

Then we can mark Scope Items (Processes), applicable for the project and End scoping. Alternatively we can add new solution scenario(s) via Manage Scopes button:

Once this activity is finished, we can move to work with each Process (Scope item) separately.

Working with Solution Process

Let´s check out, what is available for a separate Solution Process. We will take 53M as an example and click on it:

On the left hand side by default we see Solution Value Flow, and on the right various details of the process:

We can also jump from the right area to set-up instructions and test scripts, which are located at SAP Best Practices Explorer:

Solution process flow gives us detailed information on role of the Process (Scope item) in the overall near-located data flows:

And the detailed area on the right gives us possibility to assign:

  • requirements - expectations from business that need to be fulfilled

  • user stories - definitions of requirements from user perspective

  • project tasks - entities for team collaborations and clarifications

  • note - optional additional information

From the beginning, no items for assignment will be available. We can create them from the top right corner:

Setting-up the process

As far as we use for the example Solution Process 53M "ABAP Core Data Services Extraction for SAP Data Intelligence", the overall Process set-up can look as following:

  • Requirement to connect SAP Data Intelligence system via capabilities of Scope item 53M:

  • User story, which describes applicability of this requirement:

  • Task to implement the related to the scope item requirements:

The final result could look like this:


Such a detailed set-up of Solution Process will help the project team and responsible person in particular to implement the Scope item thoroughly and track all the related tasks/processes flows.
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