This blog introduces collected information about SAP Business Warehouse 7.3 (SAP BW 7.3) and SAP Business Warehouse 7.3 powered by SAP HANA.
To introduce the next version of SAP BW powered by SAP HANA (released on 07 Nov. 2011) the presentation
SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3 - Overview and Roadmap describes SAP BW's use of In Memory technology and highlights SAP BW on top of SAP HANA as the underlying In Memory Database. Our customers will benfit from a performance boost for data load processes, planning cababilities, a BWA like query performance and simplified data modeling. Further more an overview over the most important features of the new SAP BW 7.3 release and the planned next steps are presented. Stay tuned on the
SAP NetWeaver BW on SAP HANA space
News and Updates
Support Package 9 for SAP BW 7.3 ist released!
Please see the according
release notes and the information page for
SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30 ABAP Support Packages
Support Package 9 is providing the
SAP NetWeaver BW Near Line Storage solution (NLS) based on Sybase IQ.
This solution helps to reduce TCO by reducing data volume in SAP BW, shortens backup time frames, provides high speed analysis for NLS residing historical information and is a SAP owned solution out of one hand.
We are pleased to announce the release of SAP BW 7.3, SP8, a service pack release that builds upon your investment in SAP BW 7.3 by adding even more capabilities and functionality to take you to the next level of performance, ease of use and flexibility in SAP BW.
SAP BW Support Package 8 includes many enhancements that came from direct customer feedback during the early ramp-up period of SAP BW 7.3 powered by SAP HANA. In this context, additional integration scenarios have been added between SAP BW on SAP HANA and SAP HANA Data Mart use-cases for further flexibility as well as to enable the “Not-active” data concept for optimized RAM sizing and lower TCO. Further enhancement include support for converting existing SPOs to SAP HANA-optimized DSOs and InfoCubes and partitioning of Write-Optimized DSOs.
The Integration of SAP Business Objects, development efficiency and simplification for configuration and operation are the main arguments for the new SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.3 release.
Easier Migration to SAP NetWeaver BW powered by SAP HANA with Post-Copy Automation
To reduce downtime for your production landscape, one of the recommended migration paths of SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) to SAP BW on SAP HANA comprises a system copy of your SAP BW system. However, the system copy procedure of SAP BW systems and landscapes is complex for many reasons - for example, there are many configuration settings (such as connections and delta queue handling for data loading) and system copy scenarios of SAP BW (each with different landscape aspects) that have to be handled as part of every system copy, no matter if the system copy is part of the migration to SAP HANA or if you want to perform regular system copies of your SAP BW landscape.
Now, you can dramatically improve your system copy process by using automated system copy activities, which is essential for a successful, fast and safe SAP BW system copy. For this,
SAP NetWeaver Landscape Virtualization Management offers preconfigured "task lists" used by the ABAP task manager for lifecycle management automation. You can also enable SAP BW powered by SAP HANA to “go productive” with the parallel operation of your existing production system, both connected to the same backend systems. This is realized with a special and unique automated solution for delta queue cloning + synchronization on the production systems. SAP Note
886102(SMP login required) thus becomes obsolete. Using the post-copy automation for SAP BW (BW PCA) in the migration process of SAP BW to SAP BW on SAP HANA, this process can be shortened by weeks and becomes easier, faster and more reliable.
SAP Publications
- Read the recent blogs of Thomas Zurek, where he talks about thomas.zurek/blog/2011/06/24/hana-and-bw-730--part-2.
- Want to bridge the gap between central governance requirements and local flexibility needs? The BW workspaces are the remedy! A BW Workspace is a dedicated area in a BW system where new models can be created based on central BW and local data. See the collected information about the BW Workspaces in our Article series which cover standard practices, tips and tricks for the advanced scenario and best practices and recommendations
- The new release of SAP Business Warehouse brings competitive advantages for Bluefin Solutions:
See the quick facts in the customer success profile.
- Feature List SAP NW Business Warehouse: Check out the new EDW features that are delivered with SAP BW 7.3!
- Read the blog series about the Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) Data Flow Templates with SAP Business Warehouse 7.3
- As an knowledge transfer initiative SAP BW developers volunteered to shortly explain their latest enhancements to the product in short but nevertheless exciting SDN blogs. So you are invited to check out the SAP BW Developers SDN Blog series accompanying the BW 7.3 Ramp-Up phase
- Unveiling SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.3: Streamlined Data Modeling, Enhanced Data Provisionin... In the last few years, SAP Business Warehouse showed constant growth as an integrated, scalable enterprise data warehouse. As SAP unveils the latest release, SAP Business Warehouse 7.3, SAPinsider reviews its key features and benefits from easier data modeling to enhanced data provisioning to improved data loading performance.
- Design Consideration for 7.30 InfoProviders - Webinar Presentation: The SAP BW release 7.30 comes with many new InfoProviders, namely HybridProvider, SemanticPartioned Object (SPO), Analytical Index, CompositeProvider, and more. This session introduces the new InfoProviders and shows where they sit in the shelf among all the other InfoProviders and Features in SAP BW. Moreover, the session provides guidance in when to use which InfoProvider.
- EIM201 Enterprise Information Management and Metadata Management Around SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3: SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.3, SAP BusinessObjects Metadata Manager, and Data Services XI 3.2/4.0 together are three trump cards in your hand when it comes to EIM challenges within your organization. This lecture will give an overview over the finalized integration of the above mentioned products into the SAP BW product offering.
- EIM301 Business Value Through New Analytical Engine - BW Accelerator Capabilities: In this session you will learn about new capabilities in the BW Analytic Engine and in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) Accelerator with SAP BW 7.30. Through real life SAP BW query examples you will see how challenging business requirements towards query design can be met at superior performance.
- EIM300 SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.3 Feature List Overview and Roadmap Performance and scalability, integration of SAP BusinessObjects, development efficiency and simplification for configuration and operation are the main arguments for the new SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.3 release. The session will give an overview over the most important features of the new SAP BW 7.3 release and the planned next steps on the product roadmap.
Technical Considerations
- Upgrade to SAP BW 7.30 with SAP SEM Add-On
If you are choosing to implement SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP BW 7.0 in combination with SEM BW 6.05, please be aware that SAP SEM is not supporting the future upgrade to SAP BW 7.3 at this time.
The planned official upgrade path for SEM BW 6.05 based on SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP BW 7.0 is the merge of the SAP ERP/SAP NetWeaver development with SEM BW 7.36 and SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP BW 7.3 . SEM BW 7.36 is planned to be generell available in Q2 2012 with the SAP Business Suite 7i 2011.
For more information regarding the upgrade scenarios please see the presentation Upgrade to NetWeaver BW 7.30 - Technical Aspects (slide 😎
and the Note 1326576 - SAP NetWeaver Systems Containing SAP ERP Software Components
- Enhanced Concept of Reporting Authorisations and Migration from BW 3.5 to BW 7.30
The Reporting Authorizations page provides the collection of information provided for customers who upgrade to SAP BW 7.3 and implement the enhanced concept of their reporting authorisations.
While illuminating the upgrade process to SAP BW 7.3 the Live Expert Session: "SAP BW 7.3 - Upgrade"explains the migration of the authorization concept from BW 3.5 to 7.30. Check out the "SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3 - Upgrade" - PDF or the "SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3 - Upgrade" recorded session (SMP login required)