The Fiori BI Launchpad is a modern version of the classic BI launchpad application introduced from BOE 4.2 SP04. It has a fiorified user experience that makes the user interface (UI) simple and intuitive.
This Blog explains What’s New in Fiori BI Launchpad - BI 4.2 SP05 release.
where <WebServer> is the name of the web server for BI platform and <Port> is the port number for the platform.
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, SAP BI platform architecture now supports both the WACS server and the Tomcat server for configuring and using RESTful Web service APIs.
Hence Fiori BI Launchpad will also work on the RESTful web services deployed on Tomcat Application server.
More info can be found in the below blog:
1. Uploading an image to category:
In the Fiori BI Launchpad, For all categories (Personal and Corporate) default images are displayed.
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, Users can now can upload an image to a category.
From the properties of any category, In the
Upload Image field, browse and choose an image file to upload to the category.
The supported image types are as follows: .jpeg/.jpg, .png, .gif, .svg, The maximum image size supported is 100 kb.
2. My Recently Run Variant filter:
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, a New variant filter called "Recently Run" is introduced to view the recently run instances in the Fiori BI Launchpad Home page.
This filter lists the last 10 document instances in the repository that you scheduled or ran, with the status of each document instance.
3. Sorting, Filtering, and Resizing options:
Users can now sort and filter objects using the Sort ascending, Sort descending and 'filter' options available in the column headers. Also, you can now resize your table columns to fit your content.
Sort and filter can be done in all list view options in Homepage, Folder, Recycle bin, Schedule tabs.
4. Context Refresh in all pages:
A new context refresh button allows you to refresh content in any page of the application that you are in.
5. Options for marking favorite documents for end users:
Mark as Favorite: When you mark an item as your favorite, it is differentiated with a star icon in both tile and list view to help you differentiate your favorite items.
6. Fiori BI Launchpad session handling:
Fiori BILaunchpad session should be released on Browser close:
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, Session will be released on Browser close of Fiori BI Launchpad.
This was there for all Other BIP Thin clients (Classic BILP, Open Document and CMC) and now it has been implemented same for Fiori BI Launchpad.
Fiori BILaunchpad Session handling on change password:
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, on successful password change from Fiori BI Launchpad settings and Logon page all sessions associated with that user are terminated.
A warning message is displayed in all password change screens (Logon and settings).
Note: Password change enhancements are also applicable from all of the clients. ie., on Successful password change, all Sessions associated with that user will be terminated.
7. History page enhancements in FBILP (adding custom columns):
- custom columns Locale and parameters are added for webi and crystal reports in the History page.
- Back button and home page button in the history page.
8. Change SAP Password on First Logon or when password is expired
Change Password on First Logon or when password is expired for SAP BW User, If BOE system is
setup to authenticate with SAP (BW), Customers should be able to change his password on BW via
the BILP, CMC and Thick Clients on First Logon or when password is expired.
9. Schedule page Enhancements:
1. Recurring Calendar Object days will be highlighted in Fiori BI Launchpad:
when user schedules a report based on the recurrence type as calendar and now in Fiori BI Launchpad will highlight the Calendar object days in the schedule page.
2. Run Now on right click for instances - This will immediately run the instances.
From BI 4.2 SP05 onwards, Run now option is enabled for the instances in the Schedule tab.
10. UI Change in Details Page :
Details page UI is changed and is similar to the properties page.
11. Back button in the Unified viewer page:
User can navigate back from the Unified viewer page using the Back button.
12. Web Assistant:
You can now access context sensitive in-app help using the Web Assistant. You can launch web assistant by choosing on the home page.