With the latest SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance on SAP S/4HANA release 2021, you can now also run
SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF) demo scenarios within the appliance.
The SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance solution actually runs on the SAP Cloud Appliance Library. It comes with a bunch of pre-configured demo scenarios incl. demo guides that help you to run a large number of business processes within SAP S/4HANA. For an overview of all demo guides, check out
SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance: Demo Guides.
Starting with release 2021, we have setup and added SAP Application Interface Framework demo scenarios to the appliance. This allows you to make yourself familiar with the monitoring and error handling capabilities of the framework, especially learning about the new message monitors in the Fiori launchpad, see also
New Message Monitors for Integration Experts and Administrators. Furthermore, you can use the appliance as pre-configured sandbox for running proof of concept activities. By switching on the trial period for SAP Application Interface Framework on the appliance, you can implement own AIF interfaces for a time period of 90 days.
Here's an overview of the pre-configured demo scenarios:
- Create flight customer IDoc scenario (monitoring only)
- Create flight booking IDoc scenario (monitoring only)
- Create business partners via file upload incl. value mapping and custom checks
Here, we cover all monitors, the interface monitor and the monitoring and error handling in the SAP GUI as well as the new Fiori message monitors for business users, integration experts and administrators.
Besides those demo scenarios, the appliance has been prepared to support the following interoperability scenarios with the SAP Business Technology Platform:
- Sending AIF alerts to SAP Alert Notification service
- Error forwarding from SAP Cloud Integration
Note, the BTP interoperability scenarios haven’t been completely setup on the appliance because we cannot provide a BTP account with the appliance. However, in the demo guide we describe how to setup the scenarios step-by-step. In order to run those scenarios you can either connect to your own BTP account or alternatively use a BTP trial account.
So, don't wait and get your own instance.
SAP S/4HANA 2021, Fully-Activated Appliance solution can be directly accessed from
AIF demo guide is accessible from