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Dear Community members,

this blog post aims to collect links to blogs and documents about the SAP Application Interface Framework that have been published by the AIF development team.

Please stay tuned for upcoming development and learning resources.


Blog Collection

Create a recipient using several key field values for recipient determination

AIF is using recipients to determine the users who are responsible for a message. Users will only see AIF interfaces in the interface monitor or message dashboard if they are assigned to one or more recipients. With the usage of key fields it is possible to determine recipients depending on the value of one or more specific fields in the message. This allows more specific recipients for example there could be one recipient used for messages for VKORG 1000 and another one for VKORG 2000

How to enable users to work with the message dashboard

You use the SAP S/4Hana Cloud and would like to enable users to monitor messages via the message dashboard or you use the AIF Fiori User Recipient Assignment Application in an on-Premise system.

How to process and monitor a simple file with AIF

AIF provides the possibility to process and monitor flat files. During the processing of the file in AIF you can use all available mapping functionalities like checks, fix values, value mappings,… Afterwards the result of the message processing can be viewed in the Monitoring and Error Handling.

How to enable editing of a specific field in AIF Monitoring and Error Handling

A specific field in the payload of a message contains faulty data and should be corrected. In AIF Monitoring and Error Handling changes to the payload of a message are not possible per default. Changeable fields allow the specification of fields that should be changeable in the Monitoring and Error Handling.

Determine a Single Key Field in a table using a key field rule function module

You want to create a single key field but the content of the field is located in a table, which means it can occur multiple times with different values. This blog explains how to determine and store the correct value in the single index table.

Conditional mapping where the mapping is dependent on the value of a different field

You want to use a value mapping for a specific field. This value mapping should only be executed if a qualifier field contains a certain value. If the qualifier does not contain this value the field should be mapped directly from source to destination field without executing the value mapping.

DPP@AIF How to use the AIF Read Log functionality

Due to the Data Protection and Privacy regulation in the EU it is necessary to ensure that sensitive data is handled correctly. Therefore, the read access to sensitive data handled in AIF messages can be logged to be able to answer the question who accessed specific data within a specified time frame.

How to Use the AIF Change Log Functionality

Within AIF Monitoring and Error Handling it is possible to change values of messages. Sometimes it is necessary to know who and when changed the message content. AIF provides a Change Log functionality that can provide this information.

Additional Resources

SAP Training BIT750
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