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You may have noticed with 2018.07 release that SAP Analytics Cloud now supports the “Universal Display Hierarchy” setting that is defined in the BW Query. This applies to live connections to SAP BW.

What is the Universal Display Hierarchy?

Universal Display Hierarchy is a BW Query setting concept that allows two or more dimensions defined in the row or columns to be displayed hierarchically. This is a setting that can be activated in the rows and/or columns. You can even set the default expansion level of the hierarchy display.

So now, as example, if we have the following Dimensions and Measures defined along the rows and columns respectively in the BW Query:

The table/grid visualization in SAP Analytics Cloud will now be able to leverage the Universal Display Hierarchy as a runtime concept.

Please note that only table/grid visualizations support the Universal Hierarchy Display concept. This is not supported for Chart visualizations within the Story, as the initial view of the query as defined in the BW Query Designer is only applicable for table/grid visualizations.

To leverage Universal Hierarchy Display support with SAP Analytics Cloud, please be sure that your SAP BW system has the latest SNOTES applied. We recommend that you run the SAP Note Analyzer report to download and install the latest SNOTES required for baseline support!


Eric Yew