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Electronic accounting (or eAccounting) consists of sending XML files containing transactions registered in electronic media that are carried out by a company or a person and sent through SAT portal.

eAccounting process consists of:

  • The preparation of the chart of accounts.

  • The monthly delivery of the account balance.

  • If required, the sending of folios and auxiliary information.

To report eAccounting with Advanced Compliance Reporting (ACR), you can use the following set of reports:

  • Chart of Accounts (MX_CHTACCTS_DCL)

  • Account Balance (MX_ACCT_BAL_REP)

  • Auxiliary Report of Accounts (MX_ACCT_AUX)

  • Journal Entries Details (MX_JE_DETAILS)

  • Auxiliary Report of Folios (MX_FOLIOS_AUX)

In this post we’ll go through the Account Balance report, which is the second report you should run in order to report eAccounting in Mexico.

Once companies submit their chart of accounts, they must also send their account balances to SAT on a monthly basis.

When you run the Account Balance report, you generate an XML output file that contains the monthly balance of G/L accounts configured in your FSV for eAccounting.

The file compiles the following details of G/L accounts:

  • Account number

  • Opening balance

  • Closing balance

  • Credit and debit amounts

The header of the XML file contains details about the type of report – normal (N) or complementary (C) –, fiscal year, month, tax number of the company code, the version of the legal XML file, the signature, and certificate.

The signature and certificate data are inputs required when running the report, so you should have them already before generating the Account Balance report.

In this website you find the description of the information that should be contained in eAccounting files.

How to configure the Account Balance Report

Before running the Account Balance report, you need to go through some settings.

If you are running with SAP S/4HANA, you need to:

    • Create a new FSV in your system that is specific for eAccounting according to SAT’s accounts catalog.

    • Assign G/L accounts to a grouping code and nature.

    • Add the FSV you have created to ACR reporting entity parameters.

You find the step by step for these processes in the blog How to Prepare your Company’s Chart of Accounts for Electronic Accounting in Mexico, or in the SAP Help Portal, under Financial Statement Version for Electronic Accounting.

If you are running with SAP S/4HANA Cloud:

You will receive the FSV and G/L accounts preconfigured for eAccounting, but if you need to do modifications you can refer to:

    • For adjustments in the FSV: Self-service configuration app Maintain Financial Statement Versions, under Master Data for General Ledger.

    • For adjustments in G/L accounts: Self-service configuration app Manage G/L Account Master Data, under Master Data for General Ledger.

You can find the details of the preconfigured content for the Account Balance report in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, refer to Advanced Compliance Reporting (‏1J2‏).

Done! Now you’re ready to run the Account Balance report. See below an example of a report run:
For visually impaired readers: The pictures are screenshots of the steps that are described.

1 – In the SAP Fiori Launchpad, choose the Run Compliance Reports app.

2 – Filter for the MX_ACCT_BAL_REP report and choose the run you want to execute.

3 – Choose New Run and fill in the parameters. After that, choose Run.

4 – Select the generated file, and choose Download.

Example of XML output file of the Account Balance report.

How to validate the Account Balance file

Before you send the XML file to SAT, you need to validate the file structure and the figures contained in it.

The file structure validation can be done in SAT website. In this validation, SAT will check the technical details of the XML file and let you know if it would be accepted for a formal submission.

Besides this technical validation, you can do a functional validation to check if all the figures contained in the file are correct. You can do this validation in the following ways:

If you are running with SAP S/4HANA, you can go to FAGLB03 transaction (G/L Account Balance Display).

For visually impaired readers: The picture is a screenshot of FAGLB03 transaction.

In this transaction, you can find the detailed balance for a given company code. This way, you can check if the amounts are correctly posted.

For visually impaired readers: The picture is a screenshot of FAGLB03 transaction.

As you can check in period 4 of the example above, the initial balance of the period is the end balance of the last period. The end balance of this period will be the summarization of debit and credit amounts (balance) plus the initial balance.

Also, note that balance sheet accounts will contain a record for balance carried forward, which is the account balance from the last fiscal period that was carried forward into the current fiscal period.

If you are running with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, you can go to the Display G/L Account Balance app, under the Analytics for General Ledger group in the SAP Fiori Launchpad. There you can check balances in detail.
For visually impaired readers: The picture is a screenshot of the Display G/L Account Balance app in the SAP Fiori Launchpad.

As we’re talking about the validation process of the account balance, it's important to mention a critical aspect that it’s good to keep an eye on: The signs that indicate if the amounts contained in the account balance are positive or negative.

Debit and credit amounts are always reported as positive (without sign). An exception occurs when you have a negative reversal journal entry.

Initial balance and end balance of G/L accounts of nature D (Deudora) are reported with the same sign as stored in FI tables (i.e. ACDOCA). However, the G/L accounts of nature A (Acreedora) are reported with the opposite sign than stored in FI documents. This is because the system automatically defines the negative sign for these accounts in order to facilitate internal summarizations. Natures are defined in the FSV for e-Accounting.

If you came until here, thanks for reading! Now you know what the Account Balance report is about, how to configure and run the report, and also how to validate the output XML file before sending it to SAT.

For more information about the Account Balance report, visit the report documentation in the SAP Help Portal.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud:


Do you have questions about eAccounting for Mexico in ACR? Check our SAP FAQ Note for eAccounting.

See you next time,


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