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The SAP HANA database explorer is used to query an SAP HANA database, as well as view information about a database's catalog objects. The SAP HANA database explorer is integrated into both the SAP HANA cockpit and SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA. The SAP HANA database explorer contains features and functions required by both database administrators and developers.

On June 26, 2020 when SAP HANA SPS 05 was released, the version of the SAP HANA database explorer was SP 12.  The version included in the SAP HANA SPS 06 release on December 3rd 2021 is SP 14.  This blog highlights some of the updates to the SAP HANA database explorer since SP 12 and accompanies the What’s New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06 Webinar Series.

A similar blog post on the new features of the SAP HANA cockpit included with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06 is here: What’s New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06: Administration, Monitoring and Security.

SQL Warnings in SQL Console

SQL warnings are displayed within the SQL Console for SAP HANA databases.  Warning details are displayed after statement execution in the Messages tab. This feature is supported for SAP HANA 2.0 and SAP HANA Cloud databases.


SQL Statement Resource Consumption Metrics

Resource consumption metrics including client elapsed time, statement prepare time, statement execute time, and peak memory consumed are viewable after a statement is executed.


Updates to Statement Library

Users now can now select multiple statements from a list when completing export or delete operations. Additionally, statements from SAP Note 1969700 are no longer included as read only system statements making it easier to update and include a subset of these statements.


Click the thumbnail below to view a demonstration of updates to SQL console and the statement library.

New Configuration Options for Importing, Downloading, and Copying Data

A new dialog displays when copying results to the clipboard which includes a field delimiter, field enclosure, and an option to use column names as the first row.

When downloading results, users are provided options to specify the field enclosure and use column names as the first row.

Additional import options in the import data wizard include the ability to trim whitespace and add a field delimiter in the import data wizard.


Import spatial data using ESRI shapefiles

ESRI shapefiles are used to store geometry data and attribute information for spatial features in a data set. Users are now able to import spatial data via ESRI shapefiles.


Click the thumbnail below to view a demonstration of updates to data imports, downloads, and copying data.

Database Grouping and Filtering

Databases can be grouped into folders and subfolders within database explorer. Users can now filter the list of databases available in the catalog browser.

New Layout in the Add Database Dialog

The Add Database dialog now shows information relating to cockpit and HDI databases in one row. The new Show all Database Types and Sort by Name filters simplify sorting.


Click the thumbnail below to view a demonstration of updates to the add database dialog, and database grouping and filtering.

Public Synonyms Added to the Catalog Browser

Public synonyms have been added to the catalog browser.


JSON Collection Viewer Updates

The following four new properties have been added to the JSON Collection viewer; Used Size, Load Status, Estimated Number of Documents, and Allocated Size.

Click the thumbnail below to view a demonstration of updates to public synonyms and the JSON collection viewer.


Trace File Enhancements

SAP HANA database explorer now supports progressive loading of trace files while scrolling as well as the option to load the entire file. Users can now delete multiple trace files. When working with diagnostic files in the catalog browser, all children of a selected node are displayed. We have also introduced a case-insensitive trace file filtering option in the trace files editor for a quicker display of search results.

Click the thumbnail below to view a demonstration of trace file enhancements.


To see a complete list of recent new features for the SAP HANA database explorer, use the What’s New link from the SAP HANA database explorer.

This opens to the What’s New page.

For step-by-step instructions demonstrating many of the features of the SAP HANA database explorer, see the tutorial group Get Started with the SAP HANA Database Explorer.
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