The Economist recently featured a special report on cyber security, focussing on external threats to data security (mainly revolving around external threats posed e.g. by hackers).
There is a also a paragraph homing in on inside threats in the article on "Digital Disease Control":
- Inside threats appear to be a very costly risk: A study by Carnegie Mellon University of 100+ cases of intellectual property theft by insiders found that the median damage exceeded US$ 1m. Average cost of data breach per record typically exceeds US$100 - and a multiple in several industries, mainly health care, education, pharmaceutical, and financial.
- Chris Hadnagy (a specialist on Social Engineering) was then quoted saying, "An insider threat is a thousand times worse than a a hacker threat because it is so hard to defend against".
It is exactly this type of threat that SAP UI Logging/Masking solutions aim to tackle