After publishing my blog post
Next step of SAP Fiori 3 available: Quartz Dark theme we received quite a few questions about whether it would be down-ported to become available for SAP Fiori front-end server 6.0, and hence for SAP Business Suite and older SAP S/4HANA releases. I am happy to say that not only have we decided to do the down-port, but it is in fact now available in SAPUI5 1.71, the long-term maintenance version of SAPUI5.
This means that the Quartz Dark theme is now available for SAP Business Suite via the SAP Fiori front-end server 6.0, as well as for older releases of SAP S/4HANA supported by this front-end server version.
For more information on Quartz Dark or theming in general, have a look at my above blog post; for more information on this down-port and on the SAP Fiori front-end server 6.0, have a look at: