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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Last Update:15.12.2022


As you start your implementation journey for a Cloud Product supported by SAP Cloud ALM, Lets understand how can you get started

  • Setting your first Project

  • Selecting a Project Template

  • Assigning team members

  • Customizing the task list

Please note this blog does not cover many other setup activities for administrator such as configuring Identity management , onboarding of users and assigning authorizations which are explained here

First login to SAP Cloud ALM as Project Lead

When you login to SAP Cloud ALM you see Fiori launchpad. You need to focus on the highlighted tiles for the use cases related to implementation. You can come to Fiori launchpad anytime by clicking on the SAP Logo.

The first thing after login that you need to do is to launch the Overview page by clicking on the Overview Tile in SAP Cloud ALM for implementation.

Setup for First Project

The first Project is already created for you by the system but you need to enter the Setup to change the Project name as desired and enter some details.

After you reach the Setup screen, click on Edit mode

At any stage you can click on the help icon to know more about the fields shown on the screen

Selection of Project Template

This is one the most important steps. SAP Cloud ALM comes preloaded with a selective set of roadmaps published by Activate methodology . The full list of Products is available in Roadmap viewer.

You can select the template in the list of available options. Please note that this list will be extended over a period of time.

If you do not know which template to select , you can leave it blank and revisit the setup at a later stage.

If you select a template and want to change it later , it is possible but please note all the tasks created from the previous template will be deleted.

You can also assign dates for the milestones now or later and save the Project.

Setting up Access Restrictions

Make sure you set the correct access level

Public – Allows read and edit access even to non members

Restricted – Allows read access to non members , edit access only to members

Private – Both read and edit access only to Project members

Please read this Blog post for details


Setting the Project scope

A Project needs to be scoped. You need to create scopes based on how you want to manage Processes. You need to select Solution Scenarios and then select processes in each Solution scenario. One scope can contain multiple solution scenarios.

Assigning the team members

Once  you save the Project , a new Tab called Team appears.

Here you see a list of Project roles published by activate methodology . You can assign the team members to the available roles. If you want to extend this list you can read this post.

You can start entering the email address of the user, if the user is already onboarded the name will be converted to a known token. In case the user is not existing in the system, a notification will be sent to system administrator who needs to ensure the user is onboarded in the system.

You should also learn how project roles and authorization roles are related. you can read this post to know more .

Accessing the task list

You can open the overview page again and notice that the data is changed.

you can see the tasks assigned to you explicitly or to the roles where you have been assigned. To see the full task list you can either click on the tile header

after that you see the full task list

Customizing the task list

You can customize the task list by multiple methods

  • Adapting the default filters

  • Adjusting the displayed columns

  • Sorting by attributes

  • Grouping by attributes

You can also save your selection as a view

As an example if you group the task list by deliverables

it appears as below and you see the order of tasks as recommended by Activate methodology.

Recommended Posts to Read

Project Management Basics

Agile Project Management with SAP Cloud ALM

How to set access restrictions in Project

Project Management Tips and Tricks

Project Management capabilities and functions


Next Steps

Hope you found this information useful. You can visit this blog post that contains other blog posts in one central place for Project and Task management in SAP Cloud ALM
Project and Task Management capabilities-Master List


All the best in your journey.


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