Since I saw this issue now for the second time I wanted to post the issue alongside with the solution as a blog.
A developer has
published an OData service using a service binding and wants to use the preview using the simple list reporting Fiori application build into ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse as described here.
When the developer clicks on the
Preview button the following error message
Cannot find the .txt file" pops up.
The problem here is that the file extension
.html is not associated to a browser such as Chrome or Edge but to notepad.txt.
The problem can be fixed by changing the default program for files with the extension
.html as described in the
Microsoft Online help.
Start searching for "default".
and click on the icon for "
Default-apps" and choose the link "
default apps by file type".
Here you have to change the setting for "
.html" from Notepad to your favorite browser.