ST03/ST03N – SAP Workload Monitor, contains performance statistics for different task types, including HTTP(s) calls.
ST03 - Workload Overview
When you try to identify the top HTTP(s) calls, influencing your system, you can probably see the following picture.
ST03 - Transaction Profile
There will be a report SAPMHTTP on top of the list, consuming most of the total response time, and then some ABAP WebDynpro Applications (starting with symbol: <{>) and BSP Applications / WebUI Components (with names as is or starting with BSPWD*).
But you won’t see any OData calls because this statistic is hidden behind the report SAPMHTTP.
This is default configuration and it’s done so in order to limit the number of aggregated records, so that the data set is not getting too big, which may lead to ABAP memory dumps.
If you want to see the performance statistics for HTTP / OData calls, you need to adjust some settings.
First execute report
SWNC_CONFIG_URL and chose the rule for aggregating HTTP calls. Select either “Break-Down by URL” or “Break-Down by URL and Page”.
If you configure this way, the Odata calls will be aggregated with complete URL, like “/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZMY_ODATA_SRV/MyEntitySet”.
You can leave them as is, or you can also remove or replace unnecessary prefix “/sap/opu/odata/sap” with a special symbol or characters. This setting is done in the report
Press F1 (“Help”) to get more help regarding the settings.
Alternatively refer to the SAP Note:
1631033 – “Normalization of background job names for statistics data”.
After all these settings you will be capable to see more detailed performance statistics per HTTP(s) / OData calls.
ST03 - Aggregation of HTTP Calls
Note: But bear in mind that the change of configuration may lead to ABAP memory dumps.
Please check the following blog post:
P.S. If something is not working, don't report here! Please, raise SAP incident instead.
BR, Dima