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It's a very common error message when there is a object based navigation for an application  and OBN target is not correctly configured:
There is no iView available for system <System_alias_name>, object <Business_Object_name>

There might be many reasons that the above error is thrown, but the mostly caused due to the target application does not implement the given operation.

SAP Note 1494536 - Object Based Navigation - Specific Component Note has attached documents which has steps with screenshots how to check whether the target application implements the operation. But the steps in the attached documents are as per old OBN UI.

OBN changed a lot from designtime point of view on 7.3 version and it is very important to know new OBN UI when analysing / checking / changing OBN scenarios.

There are two ways we can check the target application implementing the operation. All important OBN parameters can be identified from httpwatch trace(see KBA# 1558903).

  1. Object Based Navigation Editor
    You should know the pcd path of the target iview.
    -Browse into the pcd path of the iview
    -Right click and Open -> Object Based Navigation
    It will list all the operations tagged to this target iview under tab 'Application as OBN Target'.
    If it does not display the desired operation, then you need to tag the business object operation.
    -Browse into the pcd path of the business object
    -Right click on the desired operation and click 'Add operation to target'.

  2. Business Object Editor
    -Browse into the pcd path of the business object
    -Right click and Open -> Business Object

    UI displays 'Target Selection' and 'Navigation Manager'.

    -Select the operation and click on 'All Implemented Targets'
    It will list all the target iviews tagged for the operation in 'Navigation Manager'

    If the target iview is not listed here, then you can locate your target iview/role containing the target iview in portal content, then right click and 'Add to Target Selection'. Then you can add the target iview from 'Target Selection' to the operation.

More Information: Object-Based Navigation Editor - Portal - SAP Library

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