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On Tuesday September 10 from 15:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m CET, you are invited to join the next Portal tweetchat on “SAP Cloud for Service Support Site Solutions based on Cloud Portal.”

This tweetchat is an activity meant to give a general overview of the benefits of building sites on SAP HANA Cloud Portal via examining the Support Site Solution, what it offers its users and how Cloud Portal allows the solution to offer even better customer support.

SAP Portal offers a single point of access to SAP and non-SAP information sources, enterprise applications, information repositories, databases and services in and outside your organization—all integrated into a single user experience. It provides you the tools to manage and analyze this knowledge, and to share and collaborate on the basis of it both On-Premise and in Cloud Technology.  With its role-based content, and personalization features, the portal enables users—from employees and customers to partners and suppliers—to focus exclusively on data relevant to daily decision-making processes.

The SAP Cloud for Service Support Site which is built on top of Cloud Portal functions as an additional interaction channel where customers can get cost-effective, 24/7 web self-service. SAP support site customers can use the site to view and create tickets, and/or get access to the knowledge bases that suggest solutions, provide immediate answers and eliminate the need to open a support ticket.

Highlights of SAP Cloud for Service Support Site Solutions based on Cloud Portal will be -

  • Flexibility – customer can easily modify site with minimal or no dev effort
  • Superior UX and UI experience
  • Quick theming and branding according to customer needs
  • Simple integration and identity propagation to external systems
  • Single sign on across all portal components – for integrated seamless experience
  • Designed for superior performance in ongoing consumption

Our panel of core experts include:

- Ben Aflalo SAP HANA Cloud Portal Product Owner (@popsimple)

- Ifat Schwartz SAP HANA Cloud Portal Product Manager (@ifatshw)

- Thomas Hensel SAP Portal Product Manager (@ThHensel)

The tweetchat will be moderated by Karen Golub using our Portal Twitter account @Portal_SAP. You can connect with the tweetchat moderator before the chat. Send for example some questions or your expectations already before the chat. You can start with this already now! Send the questions and statements directly to our SAP Portal Twitter channel @Portal_SAP.

What is a TweetChat and How to Participate
What’s a tweetchat? It is similar to a webinar in which the speakers, rather than talking, type out their thoughts in 140 characters or less. And during a tweetchat, rather than using a dial-in number, you follow along with your preferred Twitter app like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite or The key benefits of is that it automatically adds the hashtag to the end of your tweets after you successfully sign in using your Twitter account.

To participate in our tweetchat, simply log in to the Twitter client of your choice and submit all your questions and statements with the hashtag #SAPPortalchat included. In case you are not using this hashtag, we cannot see what you are tweeting. We’ll be monitoring the timeline live and responding through the accounts of our experts. See you on Twitter on September 10th!