SAP has a new Help Portal, hosted on the SAP Cloud Platform. Live now at (go check it out!), it features a clean design that is fully responsive, and much improved navigation through better search functionality. Here are the changes you can expect for SAP HANA dynamic tiering content.
Getting to the Content
To find the dynamic tiering documentation, just search for "
dynamic tiering" or "
SAP HANA dynamic tiering" from the homepage.
Clicking the search result will take you to the
SAP HANA dynamic tiering product page, which is home to all of the content for that product.
The navigational menu of the old Help Portal is long gone and replaced by the search bar on the homepage: search functionality is dramatically better, and it is good enough to be the only way to navigate. (Yes, searching actually works now.)
Once you’re on a product page, you can search for content across all of the guides.
Finding the Version You Want
Product pages will show the latest version of documentation when you first land on them. However, getting to older versions is now easier than ever: for dynamic tiering, you can access all available versions from a dropdown menu on the product page.
This menu includes versions that were part of the “Earlier Releases” page, as that page doesn’t exist anymore. This means no more downloading ZIP batches of PDF files if you are using dynamic tiering SP 09, for example. Now you can view previous release documentation directly in your browser. All of this amounts to fewer links and downloads, and easier access to the version of the documentation you want.
Navigating Within a Document
The new Portal design places a larger focus on the content with a larger viewing area and collapsible table of contents for each document. Looking for something specific within a document but can’t find it in the table of contents? Use the search to locate the content.
Those of you familiar with viewing dynamic tiering documents in your browser may also have noticed blue images on the first page of each guide. These images were static in the old Help Portal (as they are in this post), but now they are fully functional navigational tools! Click an image to jump to the relevant content.
Where's the PDF?
While you can’t download a ZIP file containing all PDF documents for a given product, you can still access PDF versions of each document through the sidebar widgets.
Click the download icon to download a PDF version of the document you are viewing. This widget bar includes other options such as the ability to change the font size, and provide feedback on the document you are looking at.
What does the Lock Icon Do?
For most users, the “lock” icon is not relevant. However, if you are a Beta partner with special authorizations (or an SAP employee) clicking the “lock” icon authenticates your session, so you can access not-yet-published collections.
Check out the new Help Portal at and leave us your thoughts about it in the comments!