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This blog is for portal end-users and content administrators who would like to learn about the new features developed in the latest Enterprise Portal SP for FLP on EP, their added value, and the configuration required.

NW 7.50 SP05 includes the following features:

  1. User Personalization enhancements

  2. User Personalization - Clean-up Tool

  3. ABAP Front-End Server Locale Settings.

  4. S/4 HANA (sFin) integration

1               User Personalization Enhancements

User Personalization contains all the changes done by an end-user on his/her home page, such as home page content and look&feel, such as tile visibility (hidden/visible), tile groups, order of tiles in the group, theming, etc.

Prior to NW 7.5 SP 05 user personalization was stores per end-user and device group. Now it is stored per Fiori desktop, which is a portal desktop and contains Fiori Framework Page and portal themes.

As a portal administrator you can setup several Fiori desktops. You can also define different content for each Fiori desktop using desktop Filter ID feature (more information).

The personalization data migration will happen on end-user’s first logon. There are two main migration scenarios:

  • Multi-device personalization

  • Cross-device personalization.

Multi-device personalization means that before FLP@EP 7.50 SP5 you used personalization per device type.

To keep the same personalization in a new structure per Fiori desktop an administrator has to:

  • create additional Fiori desktops (or to copy a standard one) per device type

  • add/change display rules so that an end user gets the desktop corresponding to the device types he/she is logging on with, e.g. defining a rule per device type:

  • ask an end-user to access the portal with the alias corresponding to the device type in use.

Cross-device personalization means that you want to use the same personalization for all device types.

An administrator does not have to add new desktops. When an end-user logs on for the first time to one of the devices, its device type will determine the personalization for all the other device types.

For example, when an end-user logs on to a tablet, its personalization is migrated, and the homepage is launched with tablet device type personalization, including content.

If now an end-user logs on to another device, e.g. smartphone, the homepage is launched with the same as tablet personalization, but the specific smartphone content is not shown (tablet content is filtered out on smartphone due to Object ID of Device Group property of the tiles).

To see this specific content, update homepage is required (automatically or manually with Check for Updates entry from Options menu, depending on Framework page configuration).

See also SAP note 2340301 - Support Home Page Personalization for Multiple Devices.

2               User Personalization Clean-up Tool

As an administrator you can clean old personalization data from the User Content Directory (UCD). The tool Fiori Launchpad Personalization Cleanup removes all leftovers of the old user personalization entries from the User Content Directory. It should run only after the personalization migration of all the users has been completed (2337299 - Introducing the Fiori Launchpad UCD Cleanup Tool).

3              ABAP Front-End Server (FES) Locale Settings

The locale controls tile display formats, such as language, time and date, commas and periods in numbers, currency, and units of measure.

As an administrators you can change the locale settings applied to remote content from the default locale taken from the portal server to the ABAP FES locale. If Apply Remote Server Locale Settings is checked in the Fiori Framework Page configuration, the end users see the remote content tiles with the FES locale data.

4               S/4HANA (sFIN) Applications Integration

For S/4HANA (including sFIN) integration support your portal should configured with <doctype>. To verify this login as an end-user to your FLP on EP, right click on the page and choose "View page source". The first line should be <!DOCTYPE html>. If not, do the following (as described in SAP note 1713259 😞

  1. Navigate to SAP NetWeaver Administrator (http://host:port/nwa)

  2. Go to Configurations -> Infrastructure -> Java System Properties -> services tab -> select 'Portal Runtime Container Extension'

  3. Under 'Extended Details' find html5.compliant -> press 'Modify' -> set the 'Custom Value' to iViewDependent -> set -> save.

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