Hello Everyone,
It has been few months now without any updates. We were working on an interesting SAP Enterprise Search newsletter which will contain new functionalities and some troubleshooting guide. It will be sent quarterly. If you are interested in receiving it, please send a mail to
Developers have released some notes about the XML import functionalities :
2433832 - SWC import (from file, XML): "Data type XXX already exists"
2372464 - Support Tool: Import Software Component from File (XML)
2441518 - Import from file (xml): Software Component NOT assigned to transport request
With SAP HANA 2.0, ESH search view attributes of the type ALPHANUM or TIMESTAMP are generated incorrectly.
2438730 - ESH search connectors: Incorrect generation of attributes of type ALPHANUM or TIMESTAMP for SAP HANA 2.0
You can also find new features for search runtime included in note
2440713 - ESH search connectors: Search runtime improvements for attributes of type ALPHANUM or TIMESTAMP
If you are still using TREX server, I would recommend you to use this python script to check if your TREX server is correctly configured.
2227741 - TREX 710: check of the TREX settings for the Enterprise/embedded Search scenario
2344042 - How to execute python script check_esh.py
I will keep updating this blog weekly from now on.
Kind Regards
ESH Product Support