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UPDATE - - - Start

I just got aware of a new Analytics Extension Directory from SAP. This directory stores all extensions for all analytic products.

Take a look at and give it a try.

Sadly the SCN Design Studio Community Components are not (yet) there, but they might be included in future. Until then dont forget to check out this site: SCN Design Studio 1.6 SDK Components (ver 3.0)

Saying that I will stop maintaining the collective list below.

Have fun using the extensions...


UPDATE - - -  End

Hi all,

I would like to create a summary where all the Design Stuio SDK components are listed. This is my starting point... feel free to send me information to other components and I will add them to this list asap.

Commercial Components

Check the official SAP Analytics Extension Marketplace here: Download SAP Analytics partner extensions

Use CaseDescriptionVendorAdditional Information
Hichert Charting / Table formatting

Addons to support Hichert SUCESS Rules.

Available for Charts, Tables, Bullet Charts


Products | graphomate

Buy: SAP Store

Export to PDF & PPTEnables export to PDF, Powerpoint, Word, ExcelBI Excellence

Buy: SAP Store // Testversion: Software test

Commentary SolutionEnables Commentary across all BI ProductsSAP ConsultingSAP BI BO Commentary solution
Commentary SolutionEnables Commentary in Design StudioCubeServ

CubeServ Reporting Framework

Buy: SAP Store

Commentary SolutionEnables Commentary in Design StudioBitech AG

SAP BO Design Studio: Kommentierungslösung

(only in German)

Commentary SolutionEnables Commentary in Design StudioFIVE1 (only in German)
Additional Chart TypesChartsPLUS - more than 60 chart types for Design StudioArchiusArchius ChartsPLUS™ for SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
Dashboard MigratorReuse Dashboards (Xcelsius) HTML5 output in a Design Studio ApplicationAPOS Dashboard Migrator - Xcelsius | Design Studio - SAP BusinessObjects - APOS
Maps, own JavaScript and othersComponents for: Maps, Custom JavaScript, Copy&Paste for Planning and ComboBoxABARCONABRACON Design Studio Add-ons - ABRACON GmbH
(only in German) contact daniel.appelt
Charts, Selectors,
Maps, Utilities
Missing Features and Functionalities for SAP Design Studio - 60+ Components and 400+ Additional PropertiesVisual BI ;

or read Broschure as PDF.

Filter extensionEnrich your application with an easy to use filter component.IBIIntegrated Business Intelligence (IBI): Business Planning Solutions - IBI STORE SAP DESIGN STUDIO Ex...
Location Analytics ComponentCreate Applications using Location Analytics (Maps)Galigeo

Get 30 days trial from Galigeo here

Check out that blog post for more information.

Hichert IBCS reports and dashboards with charts and tables

Extension to create reports and dashboards according to Hichert's SUCESS/IBCS rules.

Create whole multipage projects with complex charts, sub charts and tables in one DesignStudio project. Also available for Design Studio 1.6.

Easy-to-use Self-Service component.

Languages: German, English, French.






Community Components

Collection of a lot of interesting components like...

Use CaseDescriptionCreatorAdditional Information
SCN Components collection

SCN Design Studio SDK Development Community - Collection of all the components based on the community.

The one place stop to check many usefull databound and non databound components for release 1.3 and 1.4. You MUST visit that blog!

You will find most of the documentation in the original not joint bolg posts:
Design Studio 1.2/1.3 SDK - Design Studio Utility Pack

Karol's SDK Data Bound Components

Karol's SDK Components
