Jump-start your MDK application with two new app t...
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I have heard the same question many times - why do I need to create the offline / online actions and messages? Mobile Development Kit should do it for me. Well, we listened and Mobile Development Kit now creates your offline and online service actions, messages and more for you.
With the introduction of two new Mobile Development Kit application templates, you can get an even faster jump-start to building native mobile cross-platform applications.
The MDK Base template creates your offline/online services actions for you
MDK List-Detail template creates a list and detail page for each dataset and includes everything from the MDK Base template.
Mobile development kit (MDK) is a feature of SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services. If this is your first introduction to the mobile development kit, I suggest you first review the Learning Map which provides overview topics, blogs, videos, and tutorials.
MDK Base Template
Every MDK application needs a minimum set of services actions to connect to and work with your backend data. So, we have decided to create this for you and save you time. The MDK Base Template creates the actions and rules needed for every MDK application. If you only want MDK to create the offline or online actions and messages for you, then this is the template for you. The following objects are created after completing the MDK Base Template wizard.
Service Actions
For Offline Apps
For Online Apps
Success Messages
Failure Messages
Other Actions
Close Page
Application Version
Main Page
Logout toolbar button
Sync toolbar button (Offline Apps Only)
Application.app updated
After using the Base Template, you can focus on creating your pages, other actions, and rules needed for your application.
Take a look at the following video to see it in action.
MDK List Detail Template
If you are looking to create a list page and detail page, we have a template for you. The List-Detail Template builds on the MDK Base Template. Everything created in that template is created here. In addition, the template also creates a list page and detail page for every dataset you select. Further, the following objects are created after completing the MDK List-Detail Template.
All objects created in MDK Base Template
Additional Actions
DataSet Folder
Navigation Actions from List to Detail
DataSet Folder
List Page
Detail Page
Take a look at the following video to see it in action.
By using the MDK templates, you can quickly get up and running. You also have complete control to edit the pages, actions, and rules after the template has created them. Try MDK today, these features are now available.