This Document explains how we can access MobiLink Server and do monitoring using it. what are the synchronization properties.
Tool: SUP 2.2 SP 02
MobiLink Synchronization.
- This MobiLink Synchronization is a component of SQL Anywhere. MobiLink system is a synchronization based system which allows two ways synchronizations. This happens between CDB (Consolodated database) and many remote databases.(client/device local database).
where CDB: can be one of the ODBC databases. holds the master copy of all the data.
and Remote database: could be ULDB (UltraLite database)
MobiLink Monitor:
- this is a tool that provides details about sync performance. After connecting to MobiLink server, MobiLink Monitor starts to gather information about all sync that occur in a particular session.
- we can view data in graphical or tabular form in the MobiLink Monitor Interface.
Connecting To MobiLink Server:
- Open Command prompt.
- go to c:\sybase\unwiredPlatform\Servers\SQLAnywhere12\BIN64
- Run mluser -c "DSN=default-cdb;uid=dba;pwd=sql" -u testuser -p password
Where DSN = Database Source name
uid = database user id (by default it is "dba")
pwd = password (by default it is "sql")
-u testuser = MoblLink Monitoring user that we are creating (could be anything)
-p password = MoblLink Monitoring password that we are creating (could be anything)
you would be see a message saying Inserted User: testuser (see below snapshot)
4. Run cd..
5. cd BIN32
6. mlmon.exe
provide required information. select Protocol as
HTTP and port as
2480 Click on OK.
whenever there is any sync request from remote database (device), you will see few flowing lines of different color segments. Double click in between.
a new window will pop up.
this window will provide you every information for that particular sync for a particular user.
Following columns appear by default:
Overall Synchronization Statistics:
- Sync: this is an identity for each sync request assigned by MobiLink server.
- Remote ID: identity of device database. (remote DB)
- User: name of user who has requested for the sync (e.g. user@Domain)
- Version: domain_packagename
- Start time: this is the duration (date and time) when MobiLink server started Sync.
- End time: time taken to complete that sync
- Active: sync status
- Download ack:type of download ack (could be none, blocking or non-blocking)
Synchronization Phase Statistics:
- Synchronization Request: total time (in sec) for MobiLink to receive the data from device.
- Receive Upload: this is the time between creating n/w connection (between device and mobiLink server), upto receiving the first bytes of the upload stream.
- Get DB Worker: time taken for acquiring a free database worker for that particualr sync request.
- Connect: time taken by a DB worker to make a database connection.
- Authenticate User: time (sec) taken by MobiLink to validate sync request, authenticate user and its password.
- Begin Synchronization: time in sec to run begin_sync script
- Apply Upload: time taken to apply the upload to CDB. this is time between begin_upload script and end_upload script.
- Prepare for download: time in sec to run prepare_for_download script
- Fetch Download: time taken to download the data. time between begin_download script and end_download script
- End Synchronization: time taken to run end_synchronization script.
Disconnecting From MobiLink Server:
if you want to disconnect from MobiLink Server, you just need to run below commnand.
cd c:\sybase\unwiredplatform\Servers\SQLAnywhere12\BIN64>
mluser -c "DSN=default-cdb;uid=dba;pwd=sql" -d -u testuser -p password
I hope this blog will help you to understand different terms related to MobiLink Monitoing.
Your comments/suggestions are most welcome.