This blog post describes the enhancement of the SXI_MONITOR_GSF for utilities. For more general information on the SXI_MONITOR_GSF please read the bog post
Introducing the SXI_MONITOR Generic Search Framework | SAP Blogs . Additional information about the enhancement can be found here:
Extension and enhancement of SXI_MONITOR Generic Search Framework | SAP Blogs.
The new functionality is available with the switch ISU_AMI_EHP4 and the business function EE_AMI_EHP4_MOD (for the namespace New functionality for the namespace is available with the switch ISU_UTIL_1 and the business function ISU_UTIL_1.
Reason for the enhancement
The IS-U system uses webservices to exchange data between the smart meter devices and the IS-U system. In the IS-U the monitoring of the messages sent through webservices is essential. This functionality is available through the transaction EAMIMON01 or SXI_MONITOR.
In the SXI_MONITOR the messages can be filtered based on date, time and message ID. Searching the messages based on their content is also possible, but rather complicated. You need to know the exact technical name of the parameter that you are searching for. You need to configure a User-defined search for every parameter you want to use. For example you can't easily filter the messages for a particular device or measurement task without knowing the technical names of the parameters device or measurement task and configuring the User-defined search for them.
In the transaction EAMIMON01 messages can also be filtered based on their content, but this search only goes through the correctly sent messages.
The SXI_MONITOR_GSF provides an easy way to filter webservice messages based on their content. For IS-U there was no easy way to filter the messages based on their content.
This enhancement of the SXI_MONITOR_GSF provides an easy way to filter messages send through webservices for IS-U and C4C context (not correctly sent messages included).
General structure of services
The UI of the GSF is shown below. The important parts of the UI for this blog are the two lower dropdowns and the button for service selection. For further input about the upper section please read the above-mentioned blog post.
Figure 1: User Interface
Structure of IS-U/Global2 services:
In the table at the end of the blog post you can see an overview over the included services in the enhancement. The services are clustered into service groups and each service group has its own parameters. The service groups are: Time Series, Connection Status, Measurement Task, Meter Event, Device, Point of Delivery, Meter reading document. Each service group defines a search object in the UI.
Each search object has its own selection parameters. The column 'Selection Parameter for UI' (the column after the parameter column in the excel table) shows the summarized parameters of each group. This column is the basis for the selection parameter shown in the UI of the GSF.
It’s possible that not each service in a group has all possible parameters of the group. If you select a parameter, which is not part of every service in the group, then only services that have the parameter are searched. And therefore, only the services that have the parameter and fit to the entered search value are shown in the result list.
If you choose a service group and then choose a parameter, for example device ID and enter a valid device ID, then only messages generated by services from the service group are shown regardless of whether other services from other groups also have the parameter device ID and fulfil the entered search value.
By default, all services that belong to the group are selected, but if you want to narrow your search, you can select only the services you need for your search. You can narrow all the other input values like date, time and status group too. That decreases the time the program needs to execute your search.
Structure of C4C services:
The enhancement for C4C works the same way, except there are no service groups. The three search objects Sales Order, Technical Object and Large Account State each only have one service included. The list of included services for C4C and IS-U/Global2 can be seen in the tables at end of the blog post.
Pattern for entered values:
For some search values you must consider a patten, otherwise the search shows no results. Some parameters have leading zeros. The parameters SerialID, UtilitiesMeasurementTaskID and the DeviceID (but just in some services) are displayed as an 18-digit number in the XML messages, but the purely numerical serialID might be shorter than that. In that case the number gets so many leading zeros that it become an 18-digit number. To get the correct messages displayed you can use a wildcard, for example: *YourSerialID.
The value for the parameter Address_Line (shown as
city, house number street in the UI) must always be constructed like this. The entered value is converted to city, *house number*street* because the value it gets compared with from the XML message has more than one space in some places of the value.
Each parameter has a technical name, that’s the name you can find in the generated XML message. In the Dropdown menu of the parameters, you see for most of the parameters the entry of the DDIC in your system Language.
The technical name DeviceID is shown as Equipment in the UI. The MeasurementTaskID as logical and the PointOfDeliveryPartyID as Pnt of Deliv.ID. SerialID is shown as Device, HouseID as Connection Obj., InstallationPointID as Installation, TimeSeriesID as Profile and the SalesOrderID as SD Document.
If you search for a message about a Connection of an AMI device, you need to choose the search object Connection Status. Then you choose the fitting selection parameter for your search in the second dropdown menu (for example you know the Equipment ID of the device you want to get the connection information for). Then you choose the parameter equipment ID and enter the ID of the device. After that you execute it.
The results are all messages that meet the criteria. The criteria are:
- the service that generated the message is in the service group of Connection Status
- the service that created the message has the chosen parameter Equipment ID
- the generated message has an Equipment ID that equals the entered Equipment ID
Delivery and initial usage hints?
The new functionality is available via the SAP Note 3136725
SAP Note 3136725
Included Services
With the GSF it is possible to filter the messages based on the information extracted from their corresponding XML data. The goal of the GSF is to create an easy and customizable way to filter XML-Messages based on their content. The functionality is enhanced from only possible for Business Partner context to also possible for IS-U-AMI devices and the C4C area.
Now it's possible for the user to search for example for a particular device, measurement task or sales order.