CodeJams are back and we have a new SAP Business Technology Platform category and the first event in that category for you coming up!
As you may have read in
thomas.jung 's blog post
SAP CodeJam Events Return!, we're bringing CodeJams back. Slowly and steadily at first, and we've had the first couple already this year - on ABAP (in Newtown Square) and on UI5 (in Walldorf).
We're organising everything in on our new discussion & events platform, and to that end, we have a new
SAP CodeJam BTP group as well the
SAP CodeJam category in the SAP Events area, for CodeJams on topics in the area of SAP BTP.
Here's what the new group looks like:
In this group you can find out more about the SAP BTP CodeJam topic, and also, for every upcoming CodeJam event, there will be an item posted there that links to the corresponding event in the SAP Events area (you can see an example of that in the middle of the three highlighted items in the screenshot).
If you're already planning on attending SAP Inside Track Belgium on Sat 24 Sep in Kontich, why not consider joining us on the day before, i.e. Fri 23 Sep, just down the road in Mechelen, for the inaugural SAP CodeJam BTP event:
Hands-on with the btp CLI and APIs?
Spaces are limited, so get on over to the event page and let us know you're coming.
See you there!