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SAP Data Intelligence - Building Intelligent, Data Driven Applications

SAP Data Intelligence combines powerful data management capabilities for data governance, orchestration, monitoring, pipelining and processing with intelligent machine learning capabilities that cover all stages of the data science workflow.

One of the first requirements in your data science workflow will be the ability to access data from multiple sources. This blog will show how you configure connectivity between S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Data Intelligence in order to browse public CDS Views (stability contract C1 or C2) in the Data Intelligence Metadata Explorer.

Technical Prerequisites

UPDATE (03/21): This process is now also documented in the SAP Best Practices Explorer

UPDATE (04/20): As of release 2002 of S/4HANA Cloud, the following changes have been applied:

  • Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0476 was deprecated.

  • For Metadata access, use Comm Scenario SAP_COM_0576 (WebSocket RFC Protocol)

  • For Pipeline Integration, use Comm Scenario SAP_COM_0532 (WebSocket RFC Protocol)

  • The hostname field in Data Intelligence connection management should now contain -api, for example:

  • Data Preview in Metadata Explorer is still not enabled in S/4HANA Cloud

The steps to create the configuration in S/4HANA Cloud still remain the same as detailed in this blog post, however you now use the Comm Scenarios provided above. SAP Note 2835207 provides more details on the above changes.

The user on S/4HANA Cloud being used to complete the configuration steps, should have administrator privileges or at least Business Catalog ID: SAP_CORE_BC_COM for access to Communication Management.

Configure Connectivity on S/4HANA Cloud

For this configuration we'll be using the apps under the Communication Management group.

Open the Display Communication Scenarios app and search for scenario SAP_COM_0476.

From the top right, select Create Communication Arrangement to create your own Communication Arrangement based on this provided Communication Scenario.

Provide a name for the Communication Arrangement such as YY_SAP_COM_0476_DI. If you don't already have a Communication System and Username, you can create these from this screen flow.

Select New next to Communication System and enter the relevant details.

Staying in the Communication System app, in the Technical Data section fill in the hostname and port of your Data Intelligence system. The port will be 443 and the host name excludes the http:// that you use to access the Data Intelligence Launchpad. For production scenarios you may want to configure additional security settings such as OAuth. For this test scenario the last item to complete is the Inbound Communication User. This is the user for inbound communication to S/4HANA Cloud. If you wanted to make outbound calls from S/4HANA Cloud you would complete the Outbound Communication User section, for our case this isn't required.

Select the + sign in the User for Inbound Communication section and then select New User.

Add in a User Name, Description and Propose a Password. Note down this user and password for use in Data Intelligence later.

In Create Communication User, click on Create and then Save on the remaining apps in the flow we just completed.

At the end of these steps you should have:

  • Communication Arrangement based on the Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0476

  • Communication System representing your Data Intelligence system

  • Communication User to be used for inbound calls to S/4HANA Cloud

Configure Connectivity on Data Intelligence

On Data Intelligence, open the Launchpad and select the Connection Management App to configure the connection to S/4HANA Cloud.

Click on Create to create a new connection

The connection type for S/4HANA and S/4HANA Cloud systems is ABAP, select this and fill out the details for your S/4HANA Cloud system. The User Name and Password are the ones you noted down earlier when creating the Communication User on S/4HANA Cloud. This is the inbound user, used to call the S/4HANA Cloud system. Click on Create to create the connection when all the details are filled in.

On the Connection Management screen, select the three dots next to your newly created connection and select Check Status to do a test call to the S/4HANA Cloud system. You should get a green OK here before proceeding.

Browse CDS Views on Data Intelligence

Open the Metadata Explorer from the menu in the top left, to start browsing CDS Views from your S/4HANA Cloud system.

Select your S/4HANA Cloud connection and you can drill down into the available CDS Views.

Currently you are unable to do a data preview for a specific CDS View but you can drill down and view all the details right up to that point.

In an upcoming post, I'll show how you can use this new connection as part of a pipeline in the Modeler to use CDS View data from S/4HANA Cloud in a Data Intelligence Scenario.

References/Useful Sources

SAP Note 2731192 - SAP Data Hub - ABAP connection type for SAP Data Hub

SAP Note 2835207 - SAP Data Hub - ABAP connection type for SAP Data Hub / Data Intelligence

ABAP Integration for SAP Data Hub and SAP Data Intelligence – Overview Blog