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     For the sake of readability, we often use SAP BTP as a short form of the complete “SAP Business Technology Platform”, Alert Notification as a short form of the complete “SAP Alert Notification service for SAP BTP”, “CTMS” as a short form of the complete “SAP Cloud Transport Management” and SAP Automation Pilot as Automation Pilot


     In this blogpost you will learn how to create an SAP BTP development CI/CD pipeline integrated with Azure DevOps - allowing you to run pipelines on Azure DevOps that continuously deploy new features to SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment while still being able to benefit from complementing DevOps-related SAP BTP services, such as around transport, alerting and technical ops automation. With this, you get an example of how you can perform agile development on SAP BTP using a third-party CI/CD infrastructure – complementing the option to start simple by using SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery, where no separate CI/CD infrastructure would be required.

     Let`s assume that you have for example an SAP Fiori application in a GitHub repository, SAP BTP QA and PROD subaccounts and execute some automated tests. This would give us the opportunity to verify the application, fix any inconsistencies and retrigger the pipeline, without interfering with the productive version. At the same time, we want to receive alerts whenever there is a change in the status of the pipeline.

To make the complete picture, we will add several SAP BTP services as:

  • CTMS that allows you to transport <our changes between the different subaccounts we have with additional control (such as for auditing reasons and where you can define who is allowed to perform changes in which subaccount),

  • Automation Pilot that will give us the opportunity to execute smoke tests e.g.,

  • And the Alert Notification service that will send us alerts whenever defined conditions are matched within our pipeline execution.


In order to complete the setup, you will need the following:

Azure DevOps account (Trial account is also an option)
SAP BTP account (Trial account is also an option)
CTMS subscription plan ‘standard’
Alert Notification instance plan ‘standard’
Automation Pilot subscription plan ‘free’
GitHub repo, but any other Git repo is sufficient


     This section will be separated into two part. The first section will be about the configuration of SAP BTP. The majority of these steps will be covered by providing a link to detail information. The second part is the configuration in the Azure DevOps. Let’s start with the configuration

Configuration in SAP BTP

      We will start the configuration with providing all the SAP BTP DevOps services that have to be enabled, to get the whole process working. For detail information and examples how the services must be configured, follow this blog post:

      In CTMS, you have to create and configure the nodes which are needed for the route. You need to enable the alerts and create the needed destinations in the SAP BTP subaccount. As described in the blogpost above, follow steps 9 and 10.

      For the Alert Notification configuration, create 2 separate subscriptions for the alerts from CTMS and SAP BTP. Additionally, another subscription for the Automation Pilot alert is needed.  For the Automation Pilot part, we have to create a command and an execution trigger event. Follow the steps 11,12,13 from the above blogpost.

Configuration steps in Azure

      The following configuration part is only about the required steps in the Azure DevOps and how you can setup the pipeline with SAP BTP services. After you have all the SAP BTP services configured and setup, you can follow the steps that are described here:

In order to start with Azure DevOps, you should have an Azure account and navigate to the DevOps organization. Create an organization if you don`t have one and create a project:

  1. From there, select the pipeline from the left and then click top right on ‘Create New Pipeline’

  1. In my case, my code is in GitHub, so select the third option


  1. Now, you are prompted to enter your username and password for the GitHub authorization

  1. Select the branch which you want to use for this test

  2. Select the type of application you are using. In my case, it is Node.js app, so I select the first option:

6. In this step we have to create our .yml file or so called later “script” for the pipeline. I have modified a template provided in this blog

Code snippet of my extension for the deploy to CF and Upload to CTMS:
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:

name: cd-openui5-sample-app
- container: mta
image: ''
options: --user 0:0
- container: cfcli
image: 'ppiper/cf-cli'
options: --user 0:0 --privileged
- container: node
image: 'geekykaran/headless-chrome-node-docker:latest'
options: --privileged

- master

- stage: build
displayName: Build MTA for SAP Cloud Platform
- job: build
container: mta
- bash: 'mbt --platform cf --mtar MySampleApp.mtar -t . build'
- publish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.
artifact: WebApp

- stage: test
displayName: Run Karma Test Suite
- job: test
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
container: node
- bash: 'npm config set @sap:registry "" && npm install && npm run-script test'
- publish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.
artifact: TestResult

- stage: deploy
displayName: Deployment to SAP Cloud Platform (cf)
- job: deploy
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
container: cfcli
- download: current
artifact: WebApp
- bash: 'cf login -u "$(CF-USER)" -p "$(CF-PASSWORD)" -a "$(CF-API)" -o "$(CF-ORG)" -s "$(CF-SPACE)" && cf deploy $(Pipeline.Workspace)/WebApp/MySampleApp.mtar -f'

- stage: upload
displayName: Upload to CTMS
- job: upload
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
container: cfcli
- download: current
artifact: WebApp
- bash: |
TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST -u "<TMS Service Key uaa.clientid>:<TMS Service Key uaa.clientsecret>" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token" <TMS Service Key uaa.url>/oauth/token | sed -n '/ *"access_token": *"/ {s///; s/{//g ;s/".*//; p; }')
BODY=$(curl -s --location --request POST '<TMS Service Key uri>/v2/files/upload' --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=D11A4F1DE5C6638B18925D58307B360D; __VCAP_ID__=8aa9e193-d2a1-492c-76bc-288a' --form 'file=@"$(Pipeline.Workspace)/WebApp/MySampleApp.mtar"' | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | grep -Po "\\d+")
curl --location --request POST '<TMS Service Key uri>/v2/nodes/upload' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=D11A4F1DE5C6638B18925D58307B360D; __VCAP_ID__=8aa9e193-d2a1-492c-76bc-288a' --data-raw '{ "nodeName": "<Name of your TMS QA node>", "contentType": "MTA", "storageType": "FILE", "entries": [ { "uri": '"$BODY"' } ], "description": "<Description optional>", "namedUser": "<User name optional>" }'

Note: There are some adjustments in the bash lines that have to be done under “Upload to CTMS” stage, in order to get the working script for you, so fill the <> with the required fields:

  1. From the top right, select ‘Variable → ‘Create new Variable’ and you should see this window. Now you have to enter all the variables we have in the script:

CF-API - In the SAP BTP subaccount → Overview → API Endpoint

CF-ORG - In the SAP BTP subaccount → Overview → Org Name

CF-SPACE - In the SAP BTP subaccount → Cloud Foundry→ Name of the Space

CF-USER - The username used for authentication in the SAP BTP cockpit

CF-PASSWORD - The password used for authentication in the SAP BTP cockpit

Select ‘Save Pipeline’ → If “commit to the master branch” or “the branch of your choice” in the Pipeline creation is checked, the Pipeline will be triggered, because there will be a new commit to the GitHub repo.

Test the setup

Once you have all the configuration steps completed, let`s see if the process is working as expected.

      First, for that reason, we should make a change in the code using the Code Editor and push it to the central GitHub repository.   

      Second, open Pipelines in the Azure DevOps. You should see the running pipeline with the corresponding commit id and the master branch. You can observe the different stages while the process is running.

      Third, after the “Deploy to CF” phase is finished, your application should be running on the SAP BTP Dev subaccount.


      Fourth, after the “Upload to CTMS” phase is completed, a new commit should show up in CTMS on the QA Node, which is waiting for the import.

      Fifth, start the import in CTMS and wait for the success status. Also, you will get a notification in the configured channel when the import is started and finished.

      When the import is finished, the application with the new changes should be running on the SAP BTP QA subaccount. At the same time in CTMS on the Prod node, the new commit should show up, waiting for its import.

      This are the notifications you will receive from Alert Notification for staring and finishing the execution:



       Automation Pilot will send alerts, whenever there is a status change of the execution, so we expect  two more alerts:

Note: The following notifications will be delivered only if you configured the Automation Pilot

      The last step is to trigger the import into the Prod node and after it`s finished to check that the new application version is running in the SAP BTP Prod subaccount. Again, we expect to get 4 notifications when the second import is started.

That’s all!

      Try it out on your own using the explained configurations or play around, so it can match your landscape specifics.