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In some instances, it is necessary to install a SYSAM server to host license files to a PowerBuilder (PB) or InfoMaker (IM) client. The most common reason for this is running PB or IM on a virtual machine or through a remote desktop connection. See Knowledge Base Article 1850487 for more information.

However, it is also helpful for consolidating licenses in one location to be served to PB or IM clients on different machines.

In this guide we will set up a SYSAM server on the same remote desktop on which PowerBuilder is installed. This is a common scenario if the user just wants to serve a license to a single PowerBuilder client on a remote or virtual machine.

We will be using a remote desktop with Windows 7 SP01 x64 and PowerBuilder 12.6 build 4091.


- Administrator access to the machine.

- Access to the SAP Support Portal to download the installation media.

- SYSAM server uses two ports: lmgrd daemon uses port 27000 (by default) and SYBASE daemon uses a port generally in the 50000-70000 range. Both ports must be open even for scenarios where the client and SYSAM server are on the same machine. See Knowledge Base Article 1926962 for more information.

Downloading SYSAM

The SYSAM server is a separate downloadable application and is not included with PowerBuilder or InfoMaker.

- Navigate to the SAP Software Center.

- In the search bar at the top of the page, search for "SYSAM 2.3"

- One of the first options should be "SYSAM 2.3" under the "Installation Product" category. Click
on that option and navigate to the correct platform to download the SYSAM server installation media.

- In my scenario I downloaded the file 51046813.ZIP -- SySAM Standalone License Server Windows on x64 64bit.


Please note: Make sure the installation media is located on the local hard disk of the PC. There can be issues running the installation from a network drive.

- Once downloaded, unzip the installation file and then unzip the 'sysam23_winx64' zip file within.

- In the 'sysam23_winx64 folder', run 'setup.exe'

Setup file to start installation

- The installation steps are fairly straightforward. After accepting the license agreement, chose an installation directory and the installation type (we are choosing 'Full' in this guide) and the install will begin.


After the SYSAM server is successfully installed you can access the folders from the base directory chosen during installation. For the purposes of this next section I will use $SYBASE as the reference to the base installation directory.

Checking server status:

- SYSAM uses lmtools.exe located in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin directory as the GUI for accessing and administering the server.

- Run lmtools.exe and navigate to the 'Server Status' tab and click 'Perform Status Enquiry'  to see the current status of the server. This output includes the license search path used and the server status near the top:

Displaying server name, port, and license file path

- Further down, it will list the current licenses the server has to issue and the number issued. Right now we are using the default license included with the installation so it only shows one SYSAM_LICENSE_SERVER license available and none in use:

Default license SySAMLicenseServer.lic being used

Please Note: The SYSAM server MUST have a valid license file to start up. The default license included with the installation does this, but does not have any actual licenses to serve. So remove or rename this file when a valid license file is available.

- If you are getting an error similar to lmgrd is not running this is often due to IPv6 being enabled on the OS, but not by default on the SYSAM server. To remedy this follow the steps in Knowledge Base Article 1904028.

Installing and reading a license file:

- Once a served license is generated and downloaded to the machine above, place the license file in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory and rename the default license, SySAMLicenseServer.lic, to another extension such as SySAMLicenseServer.bak.

- Restart the license server using Windows Services and open lmtools.exe.

- Navigate to the server status tab and perform another status inquiry.

- If there are errors, double-check that the license has the correct host ID / hostname and the correct license file is being read.

- If there are no errors, a list of available licenses should be displayed:

List of licenses available on the server

We can see above the server has 3 licenses for PowerBuilder, InfoMaker, EAS, and PB_ENTERPRISE.

If a user checks out a license, we can obtain information on the number of checked out licenses as well as the user and machine that has each license checked out:

Listing users of a license

Above, we can see I have one license for InfoMaker checked out. The information covered up for security purposes is the information related to the checked-out license in the form of:

<username> <machine name> <display name>

Username is the name of the user that is using the license

Machine name is the name of the machine that PowerBuilder/InfoMaker is running

Display name is the name of the user's local computer. If on a VM this will be the machine the user is using to connect to the VM.

This is just a quick overview of installing and administering licenses through the SYSAM server. For more troubleshooting see the PowerBuilder License Validation Decision Tree.