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Product and Topic Expert

Back to university ...

On September the 26th the InES Development Day 2014 "Enterprise User Productivity" took place.

The event was organized by the Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES) which is a central institution within the University of Mannheim.

The main purpose of InES is to actively enhance the valuable exchange between science and practice in the field of enterprise systems.

As part of this activities some students of InES have even developed some Gateway training materials which can be found here. I myself found it very impressive what the students achieved and delivered. You can have a look at those materials here:

Together with our partner Microsoft we supported this event in order to show the capabilities of developing OData services on top of SAP Gateway and consumer applications based on Microsoft technology end-2-end.

The day started with an introduction by Prof. Mädche the managing director of InES.

The participants then got an introduction into SAP Gateway for Microsoft by holger.bruchelt, followed by an overview of Microsoft Azure & Office 365 by jrgen.grebe2 from Microsoft.

If soon became clear to the participants that there are numerous opportunities for developers to leverage Microsoft technologies as consumers for OData services based on SAP Gateway.

Finally Mr. Hadasch introduced the business scenario that should be tackeld by the participants in the following 3 weeks.

There are also prices that can be won by the participating teams based on the judgement of a jury that will have a look at the prototypes provided that these prototypes show a certain level of maturity. :wink:

Microsoft was so kind to sponsor two Nokia Windows Phones for this purpose.

Now it was time for lunch and first disucssions amongst the participants and the speakers.

All in all it was a great event and I am looking forward to see the results of the applications that will be built by the different teams.

Best Regards,
