Object Store is a cloud storage for Store and manage the blobs/objects on SAP BTP ,which involves creation, upload, download, and deletion. This service is specific to the IaaS layer such as Azure Blob Storage, Amazon Web Services(AWS), and Google Cloud Platform.
In this blog post I would like to focus on AWS S3 Bucket
bucket is a container for objects. An
object is a file and any metadata that describes that file.
To store an object in Amazon S3, you create a bucket and then upload the object to the bucket. When the object is in the bucket, you can open it, download it, and move it. When you no longer need an object or a bucket, you can clean up your resources.
I assume you already configured Object Store Instance in your BTP CF Space to use AWS Storage Service
Option 1 : Either Create Object Store Instance in your BTP CF space either using cockpit or CLI
Configure Object Store to use Amazon Simple Storage Service
Option 2 : In MTA Yaml add this Object Store resource as a dependency. When application deployed the AWS Object Store service instance will be created automatically.
In this blog post I would like share “
How to migrate AWS S3 Bucket files from one system to other “
Documents are hosted within a S3 Bucket on AWS. To Migrate objects from one S3 bucket to another S3 Bucket or Other Storage follow these options:
1) Using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) for platform (Mac/ Linux/ Windows)
2) Programmatically
3) Migration software
#1) Option 1: AWS CLI
What is AWS CLI you can read here
- Install the AWS CLI [Instructions here]
- Verify Installation by executing below command from command prompt /Terminal
3. configure the AWS CLI
In case you are using SAP BTP CF to create AWS S3 object store you can get this credentails from
BTP cockpit > BTP subaccount > Space ->Instances > Instances > ObjectStore --> Credential
You can generate you service key
Enter your
access keys (access key ID and secret access key).
Press Enter to skip the default Region and default output options.
For more information about Amazon S3 Region parameters, see
AWS service endpoints.
"credentials": {
"access_key_id": "< Access Key ID of the AWS IAM technical user created>",
"bucket": "< Name of the AWS S3 bucket provisioned>",
"host": "<region_specific_s3_endpoint>",
"region": "< Region in which the AWS S3 bucket is provisioned>",
"secret_access_key": "< Secret Key ID of the AWS IAM technical user created>",
"uri": "s3://<some_access_key_id>:<some_secret_access_key>@<region_specific_s3_endpoint>/<some_bucket_name>",
"username": AWS IAM user name"
- Download files from S3 Bucket to Local Folder of your machine
- C:\Yourfolder>aws s3 sync s3://EXAMPLE-BUCKET-SOURCE/ .
- Upload from Local directory to BTP AWS S3bucket
#1) As you downloaded to files to your local machine then you can copy/migrate to any system as per your requirement you can write utility program
#2) If you have requirement to upload or migrate files to other BTP space or sub-account AWS S3 bucket, here you need to configure other bucket details just like step -3, in new command prompt (i.e open new session form command prompt )
- C:\Yourfolder>aws configure
- C:\Yourfolder>aws s3 sync . s3://EXAMPLE-BUCKET-TARGET
Here source can be bucket name or local folder (.)
Note : You can also try to Copy the objects between the source and target buckets by running the following
sync command using the AWS CLI:
Note: Update the sync command to include your source and target bucket names.
The sync command uses the CopyObject APIs to copy objects between S3 buckets.
6) To List (Display File details on CLI) use below command
- aws s3 ls s3://your-bucket-id
Advance Concepts
#1) How can I improve the transfer performance of the sync command for Amazon S3?
Multi-threading :You can run multiple, parallel instances of aws s3 cp, aws s3 mv, or aws s3 sync using the AWS CLI
Please follow
#2)AWS CLI configurations to speed up the data transfer:
Best practices and guidelines for setting additional configuration values for aws s3 transfer commands
multipart_chunksize: This value sets the size of each part that the AWS CLI uploads in a multipart upload for an individual file. This setting allows you to break down a larger file (for example, 300 MB) into smaller parts for quicker upload speeds.
Note: A multipart upload requires that a single file is uploaded in not more than 10,000 distinct parts. You must be sure that the chunksize that you set balances the part file size and the number of parts.
max_concurrent_requests: This value sets the number of requests that can be sent to Amazon S3 at a time. The default value is 10. You can increase it to a higher value like resources on your machine. You must be sure that your machine has enough resources to support the maximum number of concurrent requests that you want.
More details :
Limitations :
Using the aws s3 ls or aws s3 sync commands (Option # AWS CLI) on large buckets (with 10 million objects or more) can be expensive, resulting in a timeout. If you encounter timeouts because of a large bucket, then consider using Amazon CloudWatch metrics to calculate the size and number of objects in a bucket. Also, consider using
S3 Batch Operations to copy the objects.
#2) Option 2: Programmatically
This option is suitable If you have many files in your S3 bucket (more than 10 million objects), then consider using S3 Batch Operations. Custom application might be more efficient at performing a transfer at the scale of hundreds of millions of objects.
You can use S3 Batch Operations to
automate the copy process. You can use the following JAVA sample code snippets as a reference to Download an object from S3 Bucket.
For more information, see the
documentation on the Amazon Web Services Web site.
You can choose your comfortable programming language of
AWS SDK & connect S3 Bucket ,write code to download files from source S3 Bucket & copy to Destination as per your requirement
Recommendations from AWS as below
#3) Option 3: Migration Software
FYI : As mentioned in
documentation you can try other option "Use S3DistCp with Amazon EMR"
I have not tried this option due to additional cost .Be sure to review
Amazon EMR pricing.