If you are using the
Peppol Exchange service and want to send electronic invoices to a German public entity but you don't know its Leitweg-ID, then you are in the right place.
German public entities that want to exchange electronic documents with their business partners register on various platforms to participate in the Peppol network. Here are two examples of such platforms:
- Act-compliant Invoice Submission Portal, in German OZG-konforme Rechnungseingangsplattform (OZG-RE)
- Central Government's Central Invoice Submission Portal, in German Zentraler Rechnungseingang des Bundes (ZRE)
On these platforms, German public entities can be identified by one or several Leitweg-IDs.
Depending under which German authority your German public entity is registered, you must follow the described steps.
Your business partner is registered in ZRE
- Log in to your ZRE account and click Create Invoice.
- For Invoice type, select Commercial Invoice.
- After that, click Determine Buyer Reference.
- For Organisation, enter the name of the public entity within wildcards for which you want to look up the Leitweg-ID. For example: *bund*
- To confirm, click Search.
- When you found the organisation you need, mark the checkbox to the left side of the organisation's name and click Select Buyer Reference.
The numbers below
Buyer reference are filled in automatically for you. Just connect the three entries and you get the Leitweg-ID.
Your business partner is registered in OZG-RE
- Log in to your OZG-RE account.
- In the Create new Invoice section, click Start.
- For Invoice type, select Invoice.
- After that, click the search button for Leitweg-ID.
- Enter the name of the public entity for which you want to look up the Leitweg-ID and click Search again.
- When you found the organisation you need, click Apply to the left of the organisation's name.
We hope that these few steps make it easier for you finding the Leitweg-IDs and save time-consuming mailing traffic or calls with your German public entities.
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