Recent market observations indicating that Mobile Enterprise solutions are on the TOP list of technology market trends for the upcoming years. According a recent Gartner report, Mobile Devices and Applications have a significant impact on enterprises within the next three years.
Those trends opening complete new opportunities for companies in terms of connecting people, accessing data anytime and anywhere, and consumerization of information. However, this might also become a challenging journey, as employees are using mobile technology in an unsecured and unstructured way. In addition, the benefits of having a central Enterprise Mobility strategy and management is often not obvious.
In order to address those challenges a comprehensive evaluation and implementation process is inalienable. The following four-step approach will help to jumpstart your investment in Enterprise Mobility solutions:
- Pre-Engagement: During the pre-engagement phase it is important to collect and understand key requirements for a mobile infrastructure from the business. Engage with your internal key stakeholders and learn about their requirements in terms of preferred mobile applications, infrastructure and accessibility. The best way of doing this would be conducting interviews as well as sending out a questionnaire. By brining everyone on board at an early stage of the mobile discussion will have the benefit getting a precise picture of the requirements as well as early buy-in. Most importantly, document your learnings in order to have a starting point when entering the solution vendor process.
2. Gain insights and knowledge transfer: Once you have selected you preferred vendors, discuss with them your business requirements. Also make sure that the mobile solution vendor is able to introduce his mobile strategy and roadmap. Map those information with your requirements. Also discuss any topics with regards to security, infrastructure and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) models.
3. Setup you system and demoing: Setup a demo system to showcase a potential mobile services infrastructure. Check this against your initial requirements with your solution vendor. Also bring your key stakeholder from the business on board in order to test and verify the new solution.
4. Hands-on activities: Once you have decided, implement your new mobile infrastructure. Most importantly, you have to decide whether to do this in-house or choosing an implementation partner. Optimally, your implementation partner would be the solution provider. He knows the solution best.
Having this in mind, engaging with your solution provider, engaging with your internal stakeholders and demoing applications are key to your success.
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