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The first example on using the Hana Generic Repository that is described here and published on here



  • SAP Cloud Platform Trial Account with Cloud Foundry Org and Hana as a Service instance or Hana Cloud instance

  • HANA test container deployed containing test schema from here

  • or any other Hana schema connection available

  • Visual Studio Community and dotnetcore SDK 2.1

  • Hana Client Install Windows (x86_64) zip file containing dotnetcore x64 driver from here

  • dotnetcore driver installed after the clients file download

Create a new Project

  • Create a new Project

  • ASP NET Core Web Application with C#

    • App name: WebApplication1

    • Choose the right folder

    • Solution name : WebApplication1

    • Click Next button

    • From templates list choose API

    • Click Create button

Create new Controller

  • On Controllers Folder, right click and choose Add -> Controller

  • Choose API Controller Empty

  • Click Add

  • Enter new Controller Name : ModelController

  • Click Add

  • Delete the auto-generated controller (in my case it was WeatherForecastController.cs)

  • Delete the WeatherForecast.cs model class also

  • Build Solution

  • Run on IIS Express

Add Reference to Nuget Package

  • on WebApplication1 project right clieck and Choose Manage Nuget Packages

  • on Browse tab of the opened window Search for HanaGenericRepository.dll

  • Select and click Install button

  • click OK button and the I Accept button for the licence

Add Reference to SAP HANA 2.0 dotnetcore x64 driver

  • On Dependencies, under WebApplication1 project, right click and choose Add Reference

  • In the new window click on the Browse button, found in the bottom, near the Ok/Cancel buttons

  • Choose the path file where you installed the Hana Driver for dotnetcore, select the file

  • click Add button

  • Build the solution

  • Select the driver dependency and choose to always Copy Local on build

Create New Model Class

Create a new project folder with name : Models

Create a new class with name : Model1.cs

Paste the code below in the new file
using HanaGenericRepository.Attributes;
using System;

namespace WebApplication1.Models
public class Model1
public Guid Id { get; set; }

public String Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

public bool Active { get; set; }

public int IntValue { get; set; } = 0;

public DateTime DateTimeValue { get; set; } = DateTime.MinValue;

public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;

public string NotMappedProperty { get; set; }

public double NotMappedProperty2 { get; set; }


How to create Database Connection Info Object

HanaConnectionInfo hanaConnInfo = new HanaConnectionInfo()
Tenant = "HXE",
Password = "Pr3W0jUm8.5iV1Sn3qwIb4NHFHFUZlhc6Px3QKsZKXj8H6X_3jqIu_FG65K7x3clInZ3mKNPKMXh1ScL7nZeHGzNPvlZkAWHFa_7yJF.dKJORTGj5JS22fj9jWwHFStf",
Schema = "D118DA114BA14CA5AA1ECF261DBAE68B",
Host = "hxehost",
Port = 39015


How to Create a Repository Object

var connFactory = new HanaDbConnectionFactory();
var hanaConnection = connFactory.CreateConnection(hanaInfo);
repo1 = new HanaGenericRepository<Model1>(hanaConnection, true);


Create a new Repository Object in the ModelController.cs

Paste the code below in the ModelController.cs
using HanaGenericRepository;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Sap.Data.Hana;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TestAPIWithHanaGenericRepository.Models;

namespace TestAPIWithHanaGenericRepository.Controllers
public class ModelController : ControllerBase
private HanaConnectionInfo _hanaConnInfo = null;
private HanaConnection _hanaConnection = null;
private bool _preventSqlInjection = true;

private HanaGenericRepository<Model1> repo1 = null;

public ModelController()
_hanaConnInfo = new HanaConnectionInfo()
Tenant = "HXE",
Password = "Wk98eti9PfZt0UDYB90nFHXExBkV0H19A4COXLwkzGVf5TAelMQOU-U1AhzhRh_rMlTRlqNaOW8y1nRbES-ddKyzeOikp_n_0bM4gxOTwGB.FeFX062GBnUiMzha89pe",
Schema = "D118DA114BA14CA5AA1ECF261DBAE68B",
Host = "hxehost",
Port = 39015

var connFactory = new HanaDbConnectionFactory();
_hanaConnection = connFactory.CreateConnection(_hanaConnInfo);
repo1 = new HanaGenericRepository<Model1>(_hanaConnection, _preventSqlInjection);

public List<Model1> GetModel1Objects()
var count = repo1.Count();
if(count == 0)
var newRecord = new Model1()
Active = true,
DateTimeValue = DateTime.Now,
Email = "",
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
IntValue = 1,
Name = "name",
NotMappedProperty = "does not persist",
NotMappedProperty2 = 2f
var ok = repo1.Create(newRecord);

var models = repo1.GetPaged();
return models;


Run the new API


Sample code