Since end of May 2021
Cloud Integration Automation Service is now live on Cloud Foundry (CF) environment on the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP).
This changes the way how to activate the Scenario workflow creation. In fact it simplifies the way to generate a workflow for your scenario integration.
The following steps need to be done by an BTP Administrator once in order to enable the Cloud Integration Automation Service to himself or other users.
Subscribe to Cloud Integration Automation Service in the cockpit of your CF BTP account
- Select Service Marketplace in the BTP Services area
- Select Cloud Integration Automation Service below Integration Suite
- Press Create
- Enter Basic Information and press Create

Cloud Integration Automation Service should now be visible as Subscribed:

Assign roles to users for your Cloud Integration Automation Service
Before you can start to use the service, you need to assign users to the predefined roles. The following roles are available under Security / Role Collection:
Integration Monitor (Role Collection: CIASIntegrationMonitor)
- Read-only access to Scenario Execution Monitoring application
- Work on assigned tasks
Integration Expert (Role Collection: CIASIntegrationExpert)
- Access to My Inbox application
- Work on assigned tasks
Integration Administrator (Role Collection: CIASIntegrationAdministrator)
- Access to My Inbox application
- Access to Plan for Integration
- Access to Scenario Execution Monitoring
- Review the workflow execution plan like confirm landscape, role assignment, and scope selection
- Monitor the workflow execution and terminate a scenario
- Plan a new integration scenario

- Select the role you want to assign yourself or other users
- Click on the small arrow on the right
- Select Users
- Enter the ID and the E-Mail address from the desired users
- Press Save

Go to the Cloud Integration Automation Service Application
Under Service Marketplace, Cloud Integration Automation Service in the 3 dots on the right side, you will find
Go to Application.

Using the Cloud Integration Automation Service
In the overview of the Cloud Integration Service Cockpit you will find 3 options (depending on the roles assigned to the user):

My Inbox: Here you will see tasks from workflows that are assigned to your user
Scenario Monitoring: Here you can monitor the status of all workflows that were created in this account
Plan for Integration: Here you can start to plan a new scenario integration workflow
Now you can start with the integration of your first scenario using the Cloud Integration Automation Service workflows!
See this
Blog on how to start a workflow and then how to perform the tasks.
More information can be found on the Help Portal for CIAS:
Help Portal
Best Regards
Stefan Jakobi
Product Management CLM