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Update: Alert Correlation in FRUN by resmi.ks

Newly imagined Alert Management within FRUN, open to integration at both Inbound and Outbound, insightful and responsive user interfaces. Part 5 takes a short look at the Notification and generic Outbound Integration mechanisms.


FRUN AEM Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

In the Part 1 of this series, we talked about the purpose of AEM within FRUN. We briefly touched upon the very basics of Scope selector and the Unified Shell that are meant for all applications of FRUN. More related to this series, we then looked the at the Overview Page of AEM and mooted on its objective, its powerful Visual Filters.

In the Part 2 of this series, we then moved on to explore the Open Alert List and Alert Search page. Both these pages presented us with the opportunity to arrive at a list of alerts in two or three different ways. It helped us carry out some of the most common actions that we wanted to perform on multiple alerts at one go.

In the Part 3 of this series, we explored the detail contained in a single alert, especially the visual insight into the trend of alert rating via the Rating bar, details of contributing metrics and so on. We also discussed briefly on the alert resolution via Guided procedures, and various other actions that may be taken to handle the alert, all of which are shown in action logs.

In the Part 4 of this series, we went through the flexible and powerful Alert Reporting. We also observed the utility of Custom pages.

In this Part 5, the final one for now in this series, it would be a short look at the Notification and generic Outbound Integration mechanisms that AEM comes up with.

Notification and Outbound Integration

Alert Management would not be complete without the possibilities of Notification (e-mail, SMS and so on), and even better, an open interface for generic Outbound integration. AEM includes these two mechanisms, indeed.

AEM uses what it generically calls “Alert Consumer Variants” for allowing the end users to pre-define meta-information required to carry out notification and outbound integration. These variants are defined, maintained via a dedicated and simple application that may be launched from the FRUN launchpad.

Notification Variants

One or more Notification variants may be created and maintained in this page of the application. All existing variants are listed in a simple tabular form.

Each Notification variant includes one or more recipients, and specifies few more attributes as shown herein:

The Recipient lists, Notification templates for (e-mail or SMS) may be created and maintained through Central Notification Management (CNM) of FRUN, not detailed here, but included are the screenshots of entry points for CNM applications.

Assigning default Notification variants

Once the Notification variants are prepared, for each monitoring use case that sends alerts to AEM, a default variant may be assigned. This is done via the Configuration menu on top of AEM home screen.

Outbound Integration Variants

One or more Outbound Integration variants may be created and maintained in this page of the application. All existing variants are listed in a simple tabular form.

Each Outbound Integration variant includes, other than its name and brief description, the reference to at least one implementation of the BAdI detailed in a document found in the FRUN expert portal.

Assigning default Outbound Integration variants

Once the Outbound Integration variants are prepared, for each monitoring use case that sends alerts to AEM, a default variant may be assigned, like we observed for the notification variants as well.

Well, that brings us to the end of this series on Advanced Event & Alert Management included in Focused Run.

As mentioned upfront in the prelude, AEM is still evolving and there could be further changes and will be more extensions in future versions. We would keep you posted!


FRUN AEM Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5