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SAP notes are great sources of information on issues occurring in the code or documentation of a product. Use them to find out what issues are impacting a particular release and how you can work around them.

When can SAP notes help you?

  • You’re considering whether to upgrade your system to a newer version and you want to know what issues are impacting that version. Look up the SAP notes for the product so you can plan and work around them quickly and efficiently.
  • You recently upgraded your system and all of a sudden, you’re seeing an error message you’ve never seen before. Search for SAP notes with that error message text to find out how to get around the issue.
  • You’re stuck on a particular task and you’re not sure what to do next. Look at the SAP notes for the product – it’s possible that one of the notes details something missing from the documentation that can help you work around the issue.
  • You’re looking for sizing information - smart data streaming, for example, has an SAP note pointing to the most current sizing guide.

Where can you find SAP notes?

  1. Go to the Support Portal.
  2. Select Knowledge Base & Incidents in the top menu, then SAP Note & Knowledge Base Article Search.
  3. Click the Launch the SAP Note and KBA search button.
  4. Enter the product name in the Search Term field to find all notes for that product

        OR if you know the number of the note you’re looking for, simply type it in the Number field in the top right corner.

TIP: Smart data streaming has a central SAP note for each release that lists all notes associated with that product version. For example, if you want to find the central note for the SPS 11 release, search for “smart data streaming” and look for the note titled “SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming SPS 11 Release Note”.

You can also find SAP notes on the Help Portal

The Help Portal has a direct link to the current release’s central SAP note. To find the central SAP note for smart data streaming:

  1. Go to the SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming documentation on the Help Portal.
  2. You can find a link to the central SAP note for the release under the What’s New – Release Notes section. This note has direct links to all issues actively impacting this product version.

For example, for SAP HANA smart data streaming SPS 11, the central note is

Did you know that…?

Once an issue is resolved in a particular version, the SAP note is archived and is no longer publicly available through that version’s central SAP note?

What has your experience been with SAP notes?

Have you had issues finding them? Do you find the content helpful or do you think it could be improved in some way? Feel free to post any comments or feedback regarding smart data streaming SAP notes.