This example is referenced in my other post about input parameters. Please have a look at the other post to get a better understanding of the context for this example
We will filter for the substring
ng (e.g., ora
nges) in column
product using SQL function
To create the example:
a) Change in
Example 2 the filter expression to:
LOCATE("product", '$$IP_1$$')
b) Save, build, and preview the Calculation View. When asked for a value enter
In result you will see all records for which the value in column
product contains
Based on the past experiences the generated SQL statement should not be surprising:
SUM("productRating") AS "productRating",
SUM("amount") AS "amount"
FROM "INPUTPARAMETERS_HDI_DB_1"."inputParameters.db::example3"
GROUP BY "date", "product";
Click here to navigate back to the context in which this example is discussed. You will also find further examples there.