Sometimes we need to trigger Email Notifications to User's inbox in sync with FLP notification. This step by step approach helps to set up email notification in SAP Systems.
This feature is available in SAP_GWFND 754 onwards in SAP Gateway software component. Hence the prerequisite for Email notification is in or above SAP_GWFND 754 SP0.
Step 1 : Choose Notification Type for which you want to enable email Notification.
Step 2 : In the Notification Provider class, set the flag IS_EMAIL_ENBLD as below
It should be done in method GET_NOTIFICATION_TYPE.
When Notification will be triggered , the flag will be set in table /IWNGW/NTYPE.
Step 3: Go to transaction /IWNGW/VNPUSHP and activate the SAP_EMAIL push channel.
Step 4: Go to User settings in Fiori Launch Pad(FLP). Enable the email Notification in FLP as below and
Step 5: Now trigger notifications and you should get the email notification in your inbox
This can be tested in demo transaction /IWNGW/BEP_DEMO
, with provider ID /IWNGW/DEMO_EXT
Now the demo notification should appear in User's Inbox.