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Titled science fiction only a few years ago, technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence or blockchain are now reality in the digital age. These new technologies offer many possibilities and a high optimization potential in diverse areas. However, they also pose major challenges. Therefore, it is important to convey well-founded knowledge about the effective use and adaption of these technologies considering individual challenges and requirements. The free DSAG Innovation Workshop Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Co on December 12, 2017 offered medium-sized companies not only the opportunity to deal intensively with the topic of digitization and its implementation. It also offered the possibility to actively promote innovation in a joint exchange with other companies and partners.

After an introduction to the topic, the participating power couples, each consisting of a representative from the company’s business and IT area, worked closely together in the workshop’s Design Thinking part to develop first use cases considering both company specifics as well as user needs. In direct exchange with the other participants and experts, innovative ideas were further developed and examined for possibilities of process optimization, growth generation, and facilitation of everyday working life.


Due to the positive feedback, the next DSAG-/SAP-Innovation Workshop Machine Learning in Finance will take place in Ratingen on 14/15 May 2018. Based on a concrete example, the participants will work together with experienced design-thinking coaches and explore the potentials of machine learning for their companies’ business processes. In addition to selective thematic "Deep Dives", a joint development of first prototypes with the help of the SAP Build tool is planned (previous knowledge is not required). This time, an additional highlight on the agenda will be the opportunity to experience innovative Leonardo showcases at first hand in the so-called "Airstream".

The DSAG-/SAP-Innovation Workshop is aimed at managers and employees from medium-sized companies that use SAP applications, and their finance and IT departments. Ideally, each participating company should be represented by one employee from the IT department, and the specialist area, as well as by a representative with a development background if possible.

DSAG-/SAP-Innovation Workshop Machine Learning in Finance
Participation in the event is free of charge. The number of participants is limited.


The ultimate goal of the DSAG innovation workshops is however to build an innovation community that includes not only the participating companies but also universities and government institutions. Together with SAP as an innovation partner, innovation is to be driven forward through the exchange and interaction of different parties, because many challenges cannot be solved by a single party.


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