The latest episode of the
Developers Digest #2206 has just gone live. There is lots of great interviews and information in this episode that I hope you enjoy. Here is a show rundown:
mamikee and welcome you to this episode of Developers Digest and chat about their holiday weekend. Then they discuss all the segments you will be seeing from the SAP Developer Advocates in this episode
SAP Developer Advocates Bio Page
Community Update
mynyna.chau joins and chats about some things happening in the SAP Community as well as the Low Code No Code challenge highlighted in a
blog post by
daniel.wroblewski who working on the challenge himself. Participants in the challenge may win a hoodie!
Developer News
- We show a recent clip from our weekly Developer News show that you may not have seen. All the news can be found on our
SAP Developers YouTube Channel weekly.
What’s Up with ABAP???
- In this recurring segment we have Mamikee talk recap the return of CodeJams! The first is an ABAP CodeJam that happened in the Newtown Square SAP office for ASUG members. Mamikee interviews a participant of the CodeJam.
Expert Interviews
-We have interviews this month from two of our SAP experts around announcements from Sapphire:
rui.nogueira Vice President - Intelligent Enterprise & Cross Architecture at SAP SE, Walks us through a demo of the
SAP BTP configurator to speed up your experience setting up BTP.
cbrague - Solution & Product Marketing Senior Director, explains the updates from the
SAP Master Data Governance team and some pre-build integrations available to developers.
-Lots of other great Sapphire announcements are here:
Official Sapphire News Guide
Free Tier Discovery Center services info
Special Sapphire Developer News
Weather Report
- Josh gives us an in depth weather report from Newtown Square, PA.
IES Showroom Tour
anja.rosker – Global Lead SAP IES Showroom, gives us a tour of the newly installed IES Showroom in Newtown Square, PA. (
IES Showroom LinkedIn page)
Trivia Question
- Josh asks a new trivia question and reveals the answer right away.
Closing and Call to Action to wrap up the show