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this component is already longer in the repository, but I could not find time to describe. For me it was an opportunity to learn a bit work with d3 code... this component is based on the d3 plugin dk8996/Gantt-Chart · GitHub.

How does it look?

How you can use it?

There are 3 arrays for definition. Activities, Categories and States.


states allow you to assign a style class to the block. some pre-defined styles are defined in the initial definition. but you can add new one - assure you have the corresponding class in your css.


with categories you can define the Y-axis


activities must be assigned to category and state, then you can get nice display.

Events & Interactions

There is selection event, the id of selected block will be given back.

APPLICATION.createErrorMessage("Selection: " + ACTIVITYVIEWER_1.getSelectedKey());

You can use a plenty of script functions to change the content.

Perhaps someone can make use of it.

Download & Use

This component is available on the community package, release 2.0 for Design Studio 1.5, as in SCN Design Studio SDK Development Community

Example as BIAPP:

org-scn-design-studio-community/applications · GitHub



Component List - SCN Design Studio Community -> look for the component in the list.

Any thoughts?

feel free to add as usual...

Enhancements Ideas?

if you have good ideas (to those who would like to contribute but cannot code...) - place an "issue" with tag "enhancement" under Issues · org-scn-design-studio-community/sdkpackage · GitHub