MTA (Multi-Target-Application) is a model that manages life cycle of an application comprised of multiples modules created with different technologies, and deployed to different target run-times. It encompasses and describes application modules, dependencies, and interfaces in an approach that facilitates validation, orchestration, maintenance, and automation of the application throughout its lifecycle.
In this tutorial, you will see how an
MTA model and an
MTA Archive Builder is used for staged development in Cloud Foundry environment within SAP Cloud platform.
You will be creating different spaces in your organization- DEV for development where developers will develop solutions, QUAL for quality where quality engineer will test and PROD for production where IT Administrators will maintain and monitor the final solutions.
Application overview
It is a very simple application that allows the user to enter his first name and last name and by clicking on a “Create” button will insert the entered input to the table shown.
Architecture overview
The application has various components/layers as depicted in the snapshot below
The employee data (first name and last name) is stored in the SAP HANA database using an
SAP Cloud Platform SAP HANA service.
Also you can share your HANA DB with all different spaces as explained
Business Logic
The Business Logic defines the Java application which run on Cloud Foundry environment within SAP Cloud Platform. It uses
JPA (JAVA persistence API) for accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects / classes and a relational database.In this scenario, the Java application defines Employee class and map it to the Employee table in the SAP HANA database.
To implement Java Persistence API the Java application uses
EclipseLink which is the open source Eclipse Persistence Services from the Eclipse Foundation.
It also uses
Apache Olingo library to expose employee data as an OData Service to be consumed by the SAPUI application.
User Interface
The UI Logic is defined in an SAPUI5 application which also runs on Cloud Foundry environment within SAP Cloud Platform. It consumes the OData Service from the Java application to send and receive employee data from the SAP HANA database .
MTA model
As already mentioned MTA model application consist of multiple modules of different technologies. In current scenario, It consists of Java and SAPUI5 modules uses development descriptor (mta.yaml) to address their inter-dependencies and configuration data they expose, and the resource (SAP HANA database) they require to run.
The developer guide on how to develop and build MTA model can be found
You have
JDK8 installed.
You have
Node.js and npm installed.
You have
Eclipse Neon with
SAP CP tools/plugins installed.
You have downloaded and installed
Cloud Foundry CLI and
MTA Plugin of Cloud Foundry CLI.
You have downloaded and set up an
MTA Archive Builder Tool.
You must have an enterprise account of
SAP Cloud platform and provisioned SAP Cloud Platform HANA Service.
Note: This blog requires creation of multiples subaccounts and therefore can not be done with developer trial account.
Step1. Create subaccount , spaces (DEV, QUAL, PROD) and Database
Step2. Log on to the Cloud Foundry Instance
Step3. Clone the source code from the GitHub repository
Step4. Build the project
Step5. Deploy the project in various spaces
Step1. Create a subaccount, spaces (DEV, QUAL, PROD) and database
- Log on to the enterprise account cockpit and select a region under Cloud Foundry environment where you have provision to create a subaccount.
2. The global accounts available in this region are shown as tiles. Select a global account.
3. Navigate to 'subaccounts' Pane and c
hoose a New Sub account.
4.Provide Display name as
Test, Subdomain name as
5. Select a
Test subaccount where you will create organization for your subaccount
6. Click on
Create Organization where you will create different spaces to deploy your multi-target application.
Provide your organization name in the
Create Cloud Foundry organization dialog
7. Navigate to the
Spaces pane click on
New Space by providing the space name as
DEV and assign the space roles to your user.
8. Create a
QUAL and
PROD space in same way as explained above in the step number 7.
9. Create a Database on database management systems as explained
To share your database with different spaces (DEV,PROD, QUAL) please refer
Step2. Log on to the Cloud Foundry Instance:
log on to the your space (created in the previous step) on to Cloud Foundry Instance using the console client as described
Step 3. Clone the source code from the GitHub repository
Clone this
Git repository and
import the project into the Eclipse workspace.
After successful import the project structure should look like this
Note: The pre-requisite for this step is that
EGit Plugin must be installed in Eclipse.
Step4. Build the project
In order to build your project you need to download mta.jar and set up MTA archive builder as explained in the pre-requisites.
Navigate to the root folder of the Application and execute ‘
java -jar [path to mta.jar] --build-target=CF build command
In case if you have downloaded the mta.jar file under the root folder of your project then execute the following command
After a successful build, the MultiTarget application archive file (cloud-employeeslistapp.mtar) would be generated.
Now the project structure will look as follows. This shows the deployable artifacts for java (target) and web (node_modules) and multi-target application archive file (cloud-employeeslistapp.mtar).
Step5. Deploy the project in various spaces
Navigate to the root folder of the application where the
cloud-employeeslistapp.mtar file is located.
Execute the
cf deploy cloud-employeeslistapp.mtar command to deploy the multi-target application on the Cloud Foundry environment of the SAP Cloud Platform
On successful execution, application modules (Java and SAPUI5 ) will be uploaded and started on Cloud Foundry environment and same can be checked under the Applications section of DEV Space.
Also SAP HANA service would be created and bounded to the employeeslist-java application as shown below in the Service Binding section
In the same way, you can switch to the QUAL space, deploy the Multi-Target Applicationcount. Then you can finally switch to the PROD space, deploy the Multi-Target Application to it too.