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Product and Topic Expert
In my last blog post, I tried to build Angular application with SAP Fiori Fundamentals.

In this blog post, I will connect Angular application with on-premise ABAP system, and deploy it to SAP Cloud Foundry. I used 'NWD' as my ABAP system, and my Angular project is named 'fiori-angular'. Below is the steps.

  1. Install cloud connector, and add the subaccount of SAP Cloud Foundry to connector.

  2. In the section of 'Cloud to On-Premise', add NWD system.

  3. Open SAP Cloud Platform cockpit, and add destination to NWD in SAP Cloud Foundry.

  4. In CF cockpit, we need to create 3 service instances, including connectivity, destination and xsuaa. They can be created in Service Marketplace: Connectivity, Destination, Authorization & Trust Management. Please be noticed that donnot bind any applications in these 3 instances.

  5. In Angular application, make sure you are in root folder of the project, then type in command:
    ng build --prod​

    this will build the Angular application and put the built-files in to /dist/fiori-angular folder.

  6. In order to deploy this application to SAP Cloud Foundry, you need to add a manifest.yml file under folder /dist/fiori-angular/. Add below content:
    - name: fiori-angular
    memory: 512M
    disk_quota: 1024M
    instances: 1
    buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
    - destination_service
    - uaa_service
    - connectivity_service​

    Notice: we need to use buildpack 'nodejs_buildpack'. I tried to use 'staticfile_buildpack' at first, then SAP Cloud Foundry will not parse configuration files like xs-app.json.

  7. Add file 'xs-app.json' under folder /dist/fiori-angular/, and add below content:
    "routes": [
    "source": "^/sap/opu/odata/",
    "authenticationType": "none",
    "destination": "NWD",
    "csrfProtection": false
    "source": "/*",
    "localDir": "./"
    } ​

  8. copy package.json file from root folder to /dist/fiori-angular, and make sure the following points are updated:
    "name": "fiori-angular",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "scripts": {
    "start": "node node_modules/@sap/approuter/approuter.js",
    "dependencies": {
    "@sap/approuter": "5.1.0"
    "devDependencies": {
    "@sap/grunt-sapui5module-bestpractice-build": "^0.0.14"

  9. You can consume the on-premise odata service in Angular project:
    interface Product {
    ProductID: string,
    TypeCode: string,
    Category: string,
    Name: string,
    Description: string,
    SupplierID: string,
    SupplierName: string,
    CurrencyCode: string,
    Price: string,
    MeasureUnit: string,
    private productServiceURL = "/sap/opu/odata/iwbep/GWSAMPLE_BASIC/ProductSet?$format=json";
    public products = [];
    this.products = response.d.results;

  10. OK, now the project is ready to deploy. Type below commands in CLI one by one:
    cf api​

    cf login

    cd dist\fiori-angular

    cf push

After above steps are completed, you can find your application in SAP Cloud Foundry.

Run it!


With these 2 blog posts, I'm exciting that there is a solution for customer when they want to use Angular as Web Framework and connect to On-Premise backend. And at the same time, keep the Angular looks like a Fiori app, to keep the consistent style among all of the web applications.


Welcome to comment and suggestions!