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Empowered by intelligent technologies such as machine learning, the Create Sales Orders - Automatic Extraction app (F4920, released as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011) allows you to create sales orders from unstructured data, like purchase order files in PDF or image formats.

App Overview and Tips

you can access the app Create Sales Orders – Automatic Extraction (business role SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP).

First you need to upload a purchase order file (PDF or image format) and specify a company code.

After the file is uploaded, the system creates a sales order request and starts to extract information from your file. The extraction takes some time, and you can choose Go to check the latest extraction status (indicated by the first icon in the processing flow).

When the extraction is done, the system feeds the extracted data into the sales order request and tries to find required master data, such as the sold-to party, ship-to party and product, based on the extracted data.

If the system cannot determine all mandatory fields, the sales order request is incomplete (indicated by the second icon in the processing flow). Then you need to go to the object page and fill in the missing data.

To help you complete the data, you can choose View File to open the original file. On the comparison screen, you can see clearly where the extractions come.

When the sales order request data is complete, you can either simulate order creation or create a sales order directly.

Once a sales order has been created, the sales order request is no longer editable. You can navigate to relevant sales order apps to perform further processing.

Related info

You can find series of blogs about this solution in below link.

The Link Collection for Create Sales Orders – Automatic Extraction | SAP Blogs