Collaboration is one of the core values that helps us grow and improve. Your feedback as an SAP customer or partner has always been essential to make sure our SAP Help Portal content is hitting the mark.
That is why the English version of our
SAP Cloud ALM Setup and Administration guide, the main onboarding document for SAP Cloud ALM, is now also available on GitHub.
The standard GitHub collaboration processes allow you to engage with us in an open conversation by giving feedback and even submitting content proposals. All you need is a GitHub account!
Here's how it works:
To provide feedback, choose "Feedback" and select one of the following options:
Create issue: GitHub issues are a great tool for general improvement ideas or questions for one of our documents.
Edit document: If you have specific suggestions on how to enhance our content, you can directly contribute to the document.
This option opens the current document in markdown format on GitHub. Choose the pencil icon to edit the file and then create a pull request.
If your changes are accepted, your proposals are merged on GitHub and republished to SAP Help Portal.
As a reward for your valuable contributions, you can even earn badges for your SAP Community profile:
Get Ready
To get started,
set up your GitHub account and familiarize yourself with our
contribution guidelines.
You can learn more about the open documentation initiative by reading
this blog post and by watching
this video.
If you have read until the end, we would like to know what you think! Leave us a like or comment here on this blog post. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!