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Note: The official name of SAP HANA Cloud Portal which is used in this blog at several locations, was renamed to "SAP HANA Cloud Platform, portal service" in May 2016.

Dear Readers,

The Fiori Launchpad on HANA Cloud Platform, was recently released and available now on your HANA Cloud Platform trial account and productive account. This blog is about Fiori Configuration Cockpit (FCC, aka Fiori Launchpad Designer) administration. I'll walk you through the administration, configuration, and design tasks required for SAP Fiori Launchpad site and its content and will cover the following:

A) Access the Fiori Configuration Cockpit from HANA Cloud Portal Service

B) Understand the entities and relations

C) Understand the improved UI of the Fiori Configuration Cockpit (including direct links to how-tos documentation)

D) Review the latest deliveries of the Fiori Configuration Cockpit

Let's start:


  1. To access the FCC: open your HANA Cloud Platform account ( or
  2. Go to "Services" and select HANA Cloud Portal > click on "Go to service"
  3. Select "Fiori Configuration cockpit" card > Click on "Manage"


The following diagram described the flow, the entities and relations in the FCC -

In order to be able to see the tile on the launchpad homepage, the tile should be assigned to group. In addition, each tile should also be assigned to content package. Content package represent set of roles. only the set of the roles is allow to see the applications, which are assigned to a specific content package.

The end user is assigned to role. content package is a set of roles. Only if the user is assigned to role which is assigned to content package, he will see the application tile on Fiori launhpad (runtime).

Which entities are involved?



The launchpad administrator assigns roles to launchpad users in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform cockpit, to define their access rights to the launchpad apps.

Content Package

Content packages are authorization entities used for assigning applications to roles. Rather than assigning each app to a role, the administrator can bundle them into a content package and then assign each content package to one or more roles.

One app can be assigned to multiple content packages, and one content package can be assigned to multiple roles.

App & Tile

Most apps are represented on launchpad sites as tiles. Each tile represents an app that the user can launch.

It is possible to have an app without a tile, in which case the app will not be visible in launchpad sites.

Tile Group

A tile group contains apps that users see when logging on to their launchpad site. Tile groups make the apps visible to end users at runtime.

One app can be assigned to multiple tile groups.


The site entity represents SAP Fiori launchpad sites which are created in the Site Directory of SAP HANA Cloud Portal. End users launch apps from the launchpad sites.


Not mandatory. Category is an attribute assigned to apps for classification and availability in catalogs at runtime. One app can be assigned to multiple categories.

So, How you should work?

  • Configuring the properties of apps and their tiles – you can either create a new app configuration or edit an existing one.
  • Creating and configuring tile groups and assigning apps to them to make them visible to the user at runtime.
  • Assigning users to the tile groups so that they can access the apps they need.
  • Creating and configuring categories and assigning them to apps to group them in the runtime tile catalog. In the tile catalog, users can select which tiles they want displayed on their launchpad .
  • Creating and configuring content packages and assign apps, sites, and roles to content packages to enable role-based access to apps and sites.


Once you launch the Fiori Configuration Cockpit, you'll see the following screen:

Get a better understanding of the tiles inside those four groups:


You create content that affects all entities in your SAP HANA Cloud Portal account.

Examples are: creating and editing app tiles, creating content packages and categories and assigning apps to them, and managing translation of texts in the launchpad.

  • Create App Tile - this is a (new) wizard for initial configuration of application and it's tile. This shell be your entry point.

        Creating App Tiles Using the Wizard

  • Configure Apps - Use the Configure Apps editor to configure and edit existing apps and add new apps on the fly.

        Editing App Tiles

  • Manage Content Packages - Configure content packages to enable role-based access to content items such as apps and sites. Managing Content Packages
  • Define Categories - Create and configure categories, and assign them to apps to ensure availability of apps in catalogs at runtime and facilitate search for apps. Defining Categories
  • Manage Translations - Prepare texts that appear in tile groups, categories, tiles, and navigation menus for translation. Managing Translations

Second Group - SITE CONTENT

You create content that affects launchpad sites that have been created for your SAP HANA Cloud Portal account.

Examples are: creating tile groups and assigning apps to them, configuring site settings and user capabilities at runtime and managing site themes.

Third Group - TOOLS

  • Usage Analytics
  • UI Theme Designer (beta version)
  • SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit

Last Group - INFO

  • Admin Guide - Link to external documentation that explains the administration, configuration, and design tasks for SAP Fiori launchpad sites and their content. (Read more - SAP HANA Cloud Portal Documentation)
  • Reference Library - The SAP Fiori apps reference library enables you to explore, plan and implement SAP Fiori, the new user experience for SAP software. (Read more - Fiori Apps Library)



Type of Change


Fiori Configuration Cockpit - UI improvements


The following improvements have been made to the Configure Apps tile:

  • A Site Preview button has been added so that an administrator can quickly navigate to the launchpad site to view the newly configured app tile.
  • A Tile Preview allows an administrator to see how the configured app tile appears at runtime.

Fiori Configuration Cockpit - locked group configuration option has been added


An administrator can now lock a group to prevent an end user from personalizing it. The locked group appears as the first group on the Fiori launchpad site.

Fiori Configuration Cockpit - ability to create a new group on the fly in the Configure Apps tile when assigning apps to groups.


In the Assignments tab of the Configure Apps tile you can assign the app to an existing tile group or you can create a new tile group on the fly and assign the app to it.

Fiori Configuration Cockpit - ability to enable themes for user selection in runtime


An administrator can now enable one or more themes to be available for selection by the user in runtime.

Feel free to provide your feedback or to contact us for any issue.

Thanks for Lindsay Bert, Fiori Launchpad Information Developer, for providing a great reference

Inbal Sabag

Product Manager and Customer Success Expert,

Cloud Experience