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Recently, Support Package 01 for the SAP Fiori front-end server 2020 has been released and it comes with various improvements to the launchpad administration tools, like the content manager and application manager, plus a new support tool and brand new task list to help you monitor your system health much more easily. In this blog, I would like to give you a glimpse into these new tools and features, so you can start using them right now.


1. Improvements in the SAP Fiori launchpad content manager

Let us take a look at the content manager enhancements first, as this is a widely used tools that has been enhanced with some frequently requested functionality.

To simplify the role administration and assignment of SAP Fiori launchpad content to roles, the Roles tab has been enhanced with various functionality:

  • A new Copy button allows the content admin to copy roles (1) for example to create custom roles from SAP delivered roles quickly provided the user has the required permissions in PFCG.

  • You can now add, remove and mass-remove catalogs, groups, and spaces to/from the selected role (2) directly in the content manager.

  • There are now new views to display the assigned groups, spaces, and tile/target mapping combinations for the selected role (3). When clicking one of the four Show… buttons, the lower part of the screen will change to display either the catalogs, groups, space(s), or tile-target mapping combinations assigned to the selected role.

On the other side, there is also an additional button to display the usage in the role for a selected tile/target mapping combination on the Tiles/Target Mappings tab.

Besides that, there are also lots of new links within content manager that allow you to jump to other tools like the SAP Fiori launchpad application manager or the Manage Launchpad Spaces app much more easily. You can find these links in the lower part of the screen, e.g. on the roles tab, you can display all catalogs assigned to a role and then directly open one of those catalogs in the launchpad designer or application manager – or display the space assigned to a role and open it directly from here in the Manage Launchpad Spaces app.

Finally, you can launch the new SAP Fiori launchpad content aggregator tool from anywhere in SAP Fiori launchpad content manager by clicking Goto > Launchpad Content Aggregator.


2. The new Launchpad Content Aggregator

The launchpad content aggregator is a tool that helps analyzing SAP Fiori launchpad content. It allows administrators to create an aggregated view of all SAP Fiori launchpad content assigned to a set of roles and of the services required to run the applications.

You can access the launchpad content aggregator directly from the content manager via GoTo > Launchpad Content Aggregator. Then you just select the roles that you want to analyze and choose whether you want to see service information for OData and ICF services as well, then execute.

The tool will give you a list of all catalogs with their assigned tiles/target mappings and lots of additional properties like for example the Fiori ID, the target mapping parameters, or the App Type. All properties displayed in the launchpad content manager are also part of this list. If you select to show service information as well, for each tile and target mapping, the required ICF service URL or OData service name and namespace will be displayed with their activation status.

To facilitate further analysis of this large amount of data, it can easily be exported to an excel spreadsheet with a click on the Export button.


3. App Support Tool

This new plug-in tool helps you to troubleshoot authorization and some configuration errors ofapplications running in the SAP Fiori launchpad. Once the plug-in is set up for a user, they get an additional entry App Support in their user actions menu to enable them to access detailed app information and check for issues:

  • App-specific configuration issues

  • General authorization errors

  • Gateway errors from the SAP Gateway error logs

  • General ABAP runtime errors


In addition, users can download logs and forward them to the administrator. Permissions to access the different pieces of error information can be assigned in a fine granular way to users and administrators. For more information, see blog post about the App Support for the SAP Fiori launchpad by the_tobias.


4. Health check task lists

There is a new task list available to perform some checks related to SAP Fiori launchpad setup and operations. The task list /UI2/FLP_HEALTH_CHECKS provides administrators with the following information:

  • Are the required OData and ICF services for the launchpad active?

  • Are the system aliases consistently configured?


To learn more about the new tools and features, please also check the What’s new section in the documentation.

Hope that was useful! Stay tuned,
