Within the time frame of 2023 Q4, several new calculation view features have been released in SAP Business Application Studio when connected to SAP HANA Cloud database QRC4. Some of these features are highlighted below. You can find examples that illustrate the individual features
here. An overview of features of other releases can be found
In below example, filter mapping is defined between the "country" columns of both sources of a join:
Based on the filter mapping, a filter on column "country" of source "itemsNEFM" will also be applied on column "country" of source "orgNEFM".
This can be verified with help of an Explain Plan which reveals a filter on both data sources:
This feature can be used to reduce the resource consumption during Non Equi Joins by filtering the data before the join.
With the refresh button source information of an already opened calculation view can be updated without closing and re-opening the calculation view:
Before refreshing, a column that is newly added to a data source is not shown:
After refreshing, the new column is shown:
Expressions can be used to generate column labels.

Individual columns can be selected and different expressions used for different subsets of columns. When pressing "Apply" the resulting labels based on the expression will be shown in a preview and can be modified.

The last used expression is stored and when new columns are added, the new labels can be generated by re-using the stored expression.
To reset the labels to their default values, the respective columns can be unmapped and remapped in tab "Mapping".
To select multiple nodes press and hold
CTRL and select the individual nodes. Afterwards icons "Remove" and "Duplicate" are applied to all selected nodes at once:

Duplicated nodes will keep their source nodes and the extension "_Copy" will be added to their names.
For example, using the Duplicate option on the selected nodes Rank_1, Aggregation_1, and Projection_1 will result in:

If the flow to a node should be copied as well, option "Copy All Below" can be used instead:

Option "Copy All Below" applied to node Rank_1 will result in:

Adding or deleting columns can be propagated to all dependent calculation views within the same HDI container recursively using the respective icons under tab "Columns" of node "Semantics":
If conflicts arise such as name-collisions in case of added, or dependent expressions in case of deleted columns, notifications are shown and no propagation happens.
Use this functionality to more easily adapt your existing calculation views after data source changes.
To see dependencies on elements also across HDI containers the application user needs a privilege such as SELECT (METADATA) on the respective external calculation views or system privilege CATALOG READ.
With these privileges in place, choosing option "Check the impact on objects (calculation views only) outside the target container" of the Where Used dialog will also list external dependencies: