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When you would like to extend your InfoProvider of some KeyFields which you will create on your own, you cannot use the standard procedure. Usually you would use Transaction FCOM_MET tool for extension, however in this case it is prohibited and you cannot do that this way. These steps need to be performed for ACDOCA/ACDOCP fields which are made for Unit or Quantity.

For creation a new KeyFigure InfoObject you need to use BW Modeling Tools in Eclipse app. In this app you will locate your system and open it. Then you need to right-click the system and choose: New -> InfoObject...

Creation of InfoObject

This will open pop-up screen, where you define your InfoObject. This can be done in several ways, depending on of what you need at the moment. As an example I will create InfoObject for new Quantity. You can assign it to your InfoArea, or to the Original Package /ERP/SFIN.

Definition of InfoObject


You can then see your new InfoObject under the InfoArea you chose. The configuration is up to you at this point. It is good to use the same configuration as it is for the delivered one. It might look like this:

After all of this is done, you can proceed into the backend to do mapping.

Open Transaction RSA1 and switch it to Edit Mode, so you can do changes. Select the InfoProvider you want to enhance of this field. It will open 2 new windows on the side. One if for selecting other fields, the other one is your InfoProvider. From the selection you can use the drag-and-drop function to enhance InfoProvider.

Selection of new InfoObject

Add the field into the desired location, in this case Quantity under KeyFields. Right-click the InfoObject and select "Provider-Specific Properties".

Here you can choose to which ACDOCA/ACDOCP field should be your InfoObject refered to (This might be completely different from the field I have chosen).

Assinging of ACDOCA/ACDOCP field.


All you need to do now, is to save this InfoProvider, activate it and then you will see your new KeyFigure InfoObject in InfoProvider.

When you will create your own Unit as well, you would need to reference it to this Quantity InfoObject, which you would do in Eclipse under: Aggregation - Referenced Characteristic.


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