SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors
simplifies and accelerates connectivity to third-party cloud applications. It provides robust, feature rich, pre-built connectors to an extensible library of over 160 of the most popular third-party cloud applications. Customers benefit from connectivity to third-party APIs via harmonized RESTful APIs and can develop and map canonical data models to extend pre-built connectors. Furthermore customers can easily build API compositions across the different connectors.
SAP Cloud Platform Open Connector aims to focus on simplifying integration to several third-party applications and drive innovation with
open and easy integration between your SAP and non-SAP ecosystem.
General Information
In this section all the blogs around general product information and availability have been captured.
Pre-built Connectors to Non-SAP applications
SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors provides robust, feature rich, pre-built connectors to an extensible library of over 160 of the most popular non-SAP cloud applications. The connectors offer a pre-configured means of smooth, comprehensive integration through harmonized representational state transfer (REST) APIs and universal resource identifiers (URIs) with normalized authentication, error handling, search, pagination, and bulk support regardless of the underlying architecture of the third-party applications.
In this section all blogs around simplified connectivity via pre-built connectors have been captured.
Connector Builders
You can use Connector Builder to build your own connector. You can build connectors for REST, SOAP, and OData APIs and even database applications. In this section all the blogs around connector builders have been captured.
Common Resources
With common resource (common objects), customers can transform fields provided by their non-SAP applications to a single, normalized resource. This allows customers to take advantage of our one-to-many integration approach where they connect to a single common object to integrate the transformed resources from their various non-SAP applications.
Using the Formulas from SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors, composing scenarios becomes a matter of configuration rather than coding, and moving the necessary logic out of applications and into SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors. This helps keep your code less complex and more maintainable.
SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite
SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite is a versatile, dynamic and enterprise-grade iPaaS (integration platform-as-a-service) from SAP that simplifies and accelerates enterprise integration and helps organizations to quickly transition to becoming intelligent enterprises. With SAP Cloud Platform Integration and Open Connectors, customers can drive innovation faster by painlessly integrating cloud and on-premises applications, whether from SAP or from third parties, using open standards-based Web services. For example, SAP Cloud Platform Integration will now be able to help customers synchronize their SAP S/4HANA digital core systems with a variety of third party CRM solutions, supporting opportunity-to-cash business processes. SAP Cloud Platform API Management customers will now be able to support more robust mobile development, eco-system collaboration and data optimization processes by incorporating data flows from an impressive range of third-party SaaS solutions.
Featured Content
In this section, we feature the end-to-end blogs contributed by our community members.
Operations and Security Concept
In this section all blogs related to tracing, operations and security concept of SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors have been captured.