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Previous blog posts in this series:
In the previous few blogs for this series, we saw how to set up the Event Mesh instance in BTP, communicate between different CAP-based microservices using the SAP Event Mesh service to achieve true asynchronous communication and how the CAP framework facilitates the same, and how we can connect the integration suite with Event Mesh.
In this blog, we will touch upon how we can set up S4HANA on-premise system to communicate with Event Mesh on BTP.
Note: We will not be covering how to create business events in the S4 system. Our focus will entirely be on the connection setup.
To execute the following scenario, you need.
- BTP account (trial account would also work).
- Event Mesh subscription for your subaccount.
- Service key for the Event Mesh instance.
- Administrative access for S4HANA on-premise to add certificates in the system.

Scenario Overview
Steps in S4HANA
- Access the Enterprise Messaging Token Endpoint (from the service key created) via your browser and download the certificate.

Event Mesh Service Key

Login Screen for Event Mesh Certificate

Export Certificate
- In your SAP S/4 HANA system, open the transaction code STRUST. Double-click the SSL Client (Standard) and add the certificate downloaded in step 1.

STRUST Transactions
- Open the transaction code SPRO.

SAP Reference IMG
- In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG), choose ABAP Platform->Enterprise Event Enablement->Administration->Channel Connection Settings->Manage Channel and Parameters and execute the node.

- Select via Service Key and paste the service key created in step 1. Maintain the required fields, such as the Channel, Description, and other details.

Click on via Service Key

Create Channel
- Test the connection and select Activate.
- Select the Outbound Bindings button at the top.

Create Outbound Bindings
- On the left pane, click the active channel created in the above step.
- Click the create a new topic outbound binding icon.

Create Outbound Bindings for your Channel
- Now we will check if we are able to listen to the events in our Event Mesh instance.

Event Mesh Instance
- Now open your Event Mesh instance on BTP and create a queue and queue subscription for the test topic.

Queue and Subscription
- Go to the Test tools->Produce Events in you S4 system
- Click on Execute

TestTools ProduceEvents

Produce Test Events

Emit Test Events
- Now Check if the message is in the queue on which you have subscribed to the incoming event topic.

Message Count in Queue

Check Data in Event Mesh
We see that the test event is now visible in the Event Mesh on BTP so your setup is successful and now we can raise our business events in S4 and consume in Event Mesh.
In this blog post, we saw how we can create a communication bridge between S4Hana and Event Mesh on BTP.
In the next blog for this series, we will see how we can raise events from S4Hana and then consume those events in our CAP application.
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Next blog post in the series:
[Blog Post] SAP Event Mesh – Consuming S4 events simultaneously in CAP-based applications and SAP In...