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Product and Topic Expert

Hi there.

A couple of month ago SAP Mobile Platform Cloud Version was released as mentioned by my colleague jens.koerner. Also for some weeks now AppBuilder was released to our community (SAP AppBuilder Developer Center ). Since AppBuilder is perfect to be used for mobile Apps, it seems natural to combine those worlds: AppBuilder to be the technology for the client development and SMP Cloud as Mobile as a Service (MaaS) to run the App.

So prepare your AppBuilder environment and follow me to configure an AppBuilder datasource connected to SMP Cloud.


Now let's start:

Start AppBuilder and create a new App by clicking the "New" button on top of the welcome screen.

In the dialog that appears just type in a project name like : "SMPCLOUDDEMO" and click "confirm".

Then click "SMP Settings" in the Help menu.

A dialog appears that lets you configure to which SMP Application you want to connect to.

This Application is a configuration container that hold information about your backend, your registrations, settings and a lot of other details. It is important here that we configure the correct values (case sensitiv).

In my Blog How to use the SMP Cloud with Copy & Paste I used the Application ID "firstApp". Here is how it looks like in SMP Cloud Trial:

Now set the configuration settings in AppBuilder. The Profile name is up to you to decide. The server URL depends on your SMP Cloud URL. It typically consists of "smp-" followed by your SCN user ID follwed by "".

Choose "firstApp" as Appcliation ID and Security Config. Type in the Username and Password from the backend.

Confirm the settings. The dialog will disappear. In the lower left corner of AppBuilder click on "SMP SERVICES". Select the pencil tool.

A dialog appears. Here you choose the "smpcloud" profile selection box on top of the dialog. Then click RETRIEVE.

If you have everything setup up correctly AppBuilder will now onboard itself to your SMP Cloud Account and retrieves the OData Service Document. It will then list all available services in the list on the right side.

Confirm the dialog by pressing "CONFIRM".

That's all. You can now use the datasource in your superlist and directly see live data while you are coding.

To learn more about the Superlist read this tutorial: AppBuilder Tutorial - SuperList

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial.

Have Fun,

Martin Grasshoff